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Thread: Picassa helper needed...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Picassa helper needed...

    I don't use Picassa but, I receive images of rescue Maltese dogs from all over the USA. I usually receive the images in Gmail.

    Recently, I received an email with 4-images attached. The text with the images read as follows:


    SUE You have been sent 4 pictures.


    These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
    Try it out here:"

    I opened the images by right clicking on each image and choosing "save as" from the drop down menu and then choosing my folder within my images library: Rescues 2013 in which to save the images in the JPEG format. I saved them as Brady 01, Brady 02, Brady 03 and Brady 04.

    When I opened Photoshop and or Bridge, two of the images had thumbnails and the title and Brady 01.JPEG and Brady 02.JPEG beneath the thumbnails. There were two blank (white) thumbnails with Brady 03 and Brady 04 beneath the image (no JPEG). When I double click on these white thumbnails, I get a notice "choose the program with which you want to open this file" when I choose Photoshop CS6 (which is one of the choices) I get another notice saying "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document".

    When I double click on the two thumbnails listed as a .JPEG, the image opens in Photoshop. However, the size of the image is miniscule: usually about 1.5 inches by about 2 inches and the file size is equally as small around 40-50 K.

    I don't know why I could not open two of the images. My wife also tried using her CS6 program. However, I strongly suspect that the tiny size of the images are due to a "save for email" command like Photoshop Elements uses. BTW: I have attempted to open and save these images using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer...

    I need these images a bit larger to submit to a rescue website. I usually save the images that I email at 100 pixels per inch and 800 pixels in width. I save these in a folder That seems to work quite well. I get a file size that is easily handled by most email programs and which can be easily opened from the email. A person can usually get a fairly decent 4x6 inch print from this email if they so desire.

    I don't know how to instruct her to send me larger images using her Picasa. I suspect that just saving these images at 100 Pixels Per Inch and 400 to 800 pixels in width would work. Her images are really quite nice but trying to post these tiny images on the rescue website doesn't provide decent quality and if I enlarge the images, the quality deteriorates.

    I have tried right clicking on an image within the email and using Copy Image and then Open>New in CS6. I can open all four of the images this way but, they are all the tiny size...

    Could anyone provide a step by step instruction on how to save larger images for emailing using her Picassa. This lady is not photographically oriented so please be as simple as possible.

    Our rescue Maltese and I thank you in advance!

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Picassa helper needed...


    If she is using Picasa to resize images there is a slide that runs from 320 pixels to 1600. I think the default is 800. There is also a drop down "Image Quality" box with a number of choices. I suggest she uses "Maximum".

    When I resize for a web posting I use 800 pixels and Maximum and that seems to work fine.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3

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    Re: Picassa helper needed...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Could anyone provide a step by step instruction on how to save larger images for emailing using her Picassa. This lady is not photographically oriented so please be as simple as possible.
    The issue is not her photographic abilities it's her computer literacy.

    For the non-computer literate Picas is an excellent tool. Too good in this case! What your contact has done is used Picasa's built-in 'Email' feature that with one click: resizes the selected photos to be email friendly, opens the email client, attaches the resized images, adds some default text about how many pics and what their file names are. This leaves the user to simply add their own text and hit send, painless! (but useless if you want the originals :-) )

    If your contact can't mimic that sequence (but without the resizing step) manually, you'll have a problem. You have to get her to:
    1) Open her email client
    2) Create a new message to you
    3) Type what ever text she wants
    4) Use the email client's 'attach files' feature to browse to the folder holding the originals to add them to the message
    5) Click send

    It's point 4) that's the hard bit for the non-computer literate and/or the person who lets Picasa do everything, including off-loading files from the camera as that person probably hasn't clue where on their computer the images files are held.


  4. #4
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Picassa helper needed...

    At long last, something I know...

    In Picasa instruct her to go to the tools option in the menu bar in Picasa. Select Email

    Click - Let me choose each time I send pictures

    Click - Size for multiple pictures. The largest size is 1600 pixels and she just has to drag the slider to the size you wish

    Click - Size for single pictures.. Choices are original size which must be sent one at a time Or the same as multiple pictures.

    Picassa helper needed...
    Last edited by Brownbear; 11th August 2013 at 09:17 PM. Reason: Add screen shot

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    WOW! Problem is on my side.....

    I have always previously used Internet Explorer and had no problems with my email. The images always opened at the size they were sent!

    I switched to Google Chrome because I had some spyware problems with Internet Explorer.

    I did some troubleshooting and sent myself my own images. These were approximately 8 inches wide at 100 pixels an inch.

    GMAIL through Google Chrome reduced the images to around 1/2 inch by 1 inch).

    I decided to try Mozilla to open my emails. When I tasked the email to download the images, it asked me if I wanted to download using Photoshop CS6. I said yes and the images popped up the right size.

    I don't know what Google Chrome and Gmail did to my images but, it has been solved by using Mozilla instead of Google Chrome. The fault, obviously starts with the Google Chrome. But, it may be operator error also!

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