7th August 2013, 09:19 AM
Project 365!
Hi all, i decided to give the 365 project a go that flikr people been doing and thought i will post it here aswell. No for those who dosnt know, Project 365 is where i take a photo everyday for a year, and there are two different types, one is where it is selfies, and one with whatever. I am thinking about doing the selfies, but who knows so this is what ever goes!! And unsure if i will stick with this or not, but we will see.
Anyways here is Day 1 of the project:
1/365: Shave and a haircut...
1/365: Shave and a hair cut... by AllenLennon, on Flickr
The idea behind this photo is because i purchased a hair grooming kit to try it myself(the hair shaver thingy), i didnt do to bad i must admit, but the back was the hardest. My original idea was to just shave back the middle, but it didnt work because of a few reasons, 1) hair wasnt long enough to stand out and 2) i was a bit in experience. So instead of going through setting up the lights before i went to cut my hair, i decided to take a photo anyways.
7th August 2013, 09:06 PM
Re: Project 365!
Good luck with Project 365 Allen, I'm sure once you get your hands on your new 6D you won't want to put it down so a photo a day might not be that hard and if anyone on this forum can manage 365 selfies it's you
Cheers, Greg
7th August 2013, 09:09 PM
Re: Project 365!
Hi Allen,
I have always admired your creativity with your 'selfies', this one is no exception - it made me smile. although don't mistake that for not my not appreciating the effort that went into focus, exposure, lighting and crop.
That is a tough challenge you have set yourself though, but I wish you well with it.
8th August 2013, 03:36 AM
Re: Project 365!
Thank you Greg, and I hope that's the case!
Thank you save for your far to kind words.
Just waiting to finish work to do my day 2 photo, and already have an idea. If it works out
8th August 2013, 08:58 AM
2/356:... two bits
2/365:... two bits! by AllenLennon, on Flickr
Had this idea all day long at work, it didnt came out the way i wanted but im happy with it non the less. Unsure about the background colour but ohwell. And been thinking of framing my photos with text underneath but cant think of anything, help?
Yn-560iii at 1/8th through umbrella camera left.
Yn-560iii at 1/128th bare camera right.
8th August 2013, 11:04 AM
Re: 2/356:... two bits
Okay Allen! This is absolutely hilarious! I darn near fell out of my chair!
Very well done! Good lighting, excellent concept! Most mornings I don’t know whether to go ahead and shave my ugly face or just slit my throat and have done with it!
Very cool man! Looking forward to more of your creative genious!
Thanks for making my day!
8th August 2013, 11:15 AM
Re: Project 365!
Terry, thank you for your comments, perhaps a stronger chair with bigger arm rest is in order eh mate? haha, glad you liked it.
9th August 2013, 01:17 AM
Re: Project 365!
If you are going to keep shooting these Allen, I'm thinking a parachute would be in order!
9th August 2013, 08:37 AM
3/365: Unorthodox love!
3/365: Unorthadox love! by AllenLennon, on Flickr
Not entirely happy with this, was rushed due to having a somewhat busy day at work and being tired. On a plus i received my 6D but not my lens pitty the ef-s lenses i have is not compatible! I do have a lens that is old but it isnt good. Oh well.
9th August 2013, 09:10 AM
Re: 3/365: Unorthodox love!
Another good one Allen.
I think you're going to keep a lot of us entertained with this thread.
I for one have subscribed to it, don't want to miss the next exciting episode
ps. congrats on your camera arriving
9th August 2013, 09:32 AM
Re: 3/365: Unorthodox love!
thank you greg, but exciting, hmmm unsure if thats true, lol
9th August 2013, 12:10 PM
Re: 3/365: Unorthodox love!
She looks 'armless' ...literally!
Love your work Allen, always makes me smile.
9th August 2013, 12:34 PM
Re: 3/365: Unorthodox love!
Sharon, yea she's armless. That way she can't slap me if I say her ass looks big or fat. Just got to watch her slender feet. Haha
10th August 2013, 08:34 AM
4/365: Sucktion!
4/365: Sucktion! by AllenLennon, on Flickr
This tested my limited PP skils!
10th August 2013, 01:09 PM
Re: 4/365: Sucktion!
And worth the effort mate
Is this the end for Allen !!!
10th August 2013, 01:13 PM
Re: 4/365: Sucktion!
Whatever you are drinking over there Allen, I'll have two!
I am going to start sitting on the floor when I open this thread! I end up there anyway!
That's some funny stuff right there!
11th August 2013, 02:05 AM
5/365: Cuppa!
5/365: cuppa? by AllenLennon, on Flickr
Not happy with this one but cant really think of anything else
11th August 2013, 04:26 AM
Re: 5/365: Cuppa!
Yes you're grasping at straws there Allen
Sorry couldn't resist that one. I have tried that with beer in my younger days, didn't end well
Sent you a pm that might help.
Cheers, Greg
12th August 2013, 02:58 AM
6/365: New camera and Lens!
6/365: New Camera And Lens by AllenLennon, on Flickr
this was quickly done, so sorry for the bad quality
12th August 2013, 01:37 PM
7/365: A sneak peak
7/365: A sneek peak to whats coming by AllenLennon, on Flickr
I kinda cheated, i did this late at night on the same day as number 6 because i'll be working both jobs tomorrow. And this is a sneak peak to what i have planned for a photo in the up coming days(hopefully)
Strobist: 2 x yn-560iii at 1/8th through umbrellas
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