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Thread: DXO Optics Pro 8

  1. #21
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: DXO Optics Pro 8

    Quote Originally Posted by donaldjledet View Post
    Isn't adobe going to start charging for L.R.4 to use it? Like Photoshop where you don't own they do?
    First, one must keep in mind that Photoshop is not owned by the one that "buys" it; one owns a license to use it - not the same as owning. Actually this applies to all licensed software programs.

    The matter of LR going to the CC model has been covered.

    I've been wondering if perhaps Adobe did some homework and found that CS was under-priced, and decided to take advantage of it. Manfred's comment about taking advantage of users may well be right - but what business doesn't do this (don't believe the advertising that says, "we're here to serve you").

    In my opinion, the reaction to CC has been a wee bit over the top; there have literally been thousands of complaints about the few extra dollars a month, but suggest that someone doesn't need or shouldn't buy the latest body/lens version, and you'll be reviled.

    Virtually every photo forum has had the same reactions - with the exception of this one. And the worst (I won't name it) is one run and frequented by what I thought were professional and knowledgeable photographers. Go figure.


  2. #22
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: DXO Optics Pro 8

    Good points Glenn - there is always a simple solution; if you don't like what is on offer, then don't buy it. If Adobe's market research is right, then they will have priced the produced where they willl get the anticipated sales / revenues. If they don't, we can expect to see a change in their business model in a few years as they try to make up lost market share / growth.

    All that being said; I did convert to Creative Suite CC, because in the long run, these are tools that I use all the time and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, there is no viable alternative out there.

  3. #23
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: DXO Optics Pro 8

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    All that being said; I did convert to Creative Suite CC, because in the long run, these are tools that I use all the time and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, there is no viable alternative out there.
    And I might well have said that too.

    This whole affair brings to mind a famous quote: "much ado about nothing".

    We can huff and we can puff, but in the end, not much will change. Sure a few adventurous souls will try something else . . . . but the bottom line is that Adobe won't suffer on the bottom line.

    There are so many comments being made that "Adobe made a big mistake". I'm one that doubts it.

    Wouldn't it be a hoot if in a while, Adobe brought out a new software that made its own Creative Suite and all the others look like beginners' efforts. There are features in both LR and SC that are not so good, and some that are great - if they were combined . . . . . Just conjecturing.


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