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Well in this day and age people pixel and noise peep a lot, without necessarily seeing printed output. I'm happy at up to ISO4000, and 6400 at a pinch if I'm properly exposing the image and processing as I normally do. That's on a D700 - I've reviewed and tested a D800 and if you're not printing at really large sizes, 6400 should be more than comfortable enough. Converting to B&W helps as you get rid of any colour infidelity issues. The only headache I get at high ISO's are banding issues in dark areas of an image where there are bright light sources present.
The only other option - slow the shutter, hold your breath and squeeze gently. It has to be pretty dark for f2, 1/30th, ISO6400 though. Time to break out the D3S/D4 and crank up the shutter speed...!