Last edited by dje; 26th August 2013 at 04:33 AM.
They do. Beautifully.
What would you think of a fairly hefty crop at the bottom to get rid of some that sloping bank area that, in the picture, just comes up, I think, as a big, unattractive 'blob' that distracts from is otherwise a beauty? It would give you more of a pano image.
I love this picture, cropping would destroy the image, maybe you can lighten up the dark part on the bank with some orange. If not I would keep it as it is.
Since the first is also open, it might be a a shield against surprise attacks from the back while sitting there or fishing, maybe cators?
That's lovely light and suits the subject. I'm guessing that the huts are only a means of providing a lockable access to the jetty to stop unauthorised use.
Beautiful image, gorgeous light. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful - what a way to start the day.
Thanks folks for your comments.
Donald I know what you mean about the river bank but am reluctant to lose any of the reflection of the first hut.
Splashy no gators in this river ! We are a bit far away from the tropics for that.
John you could be right about lockable access.
It was a nice morning, but this is Queensland where our tourism slogan is "Beautiful one day, perfect the next" !
Nice image and I love the color of the light. I agree with Donald about eliminating part of the image's bottom.
It is an attractive shot and I think you did right to wait for the morning .... however if it was possible I suggest a step to your right and perhaps backwards with a longer focal length would reduce the size of the bank and what disturbed me the way the foliage intruds on the hut while have the shape to frame the hut. This would keep the reflection you like ... I also wondered if cloning water to hide the bank would work.
I note you shot at f/11 whereas working at f/4 might have produced the following where I have done a rough adjustment to reduce the size of the bank ,got rid of the attracting light areas and put the background out of focus to concentrate attention on the hut. The background hut doesn't need to be sharp as it is largely hidden by the foliage.
Last edited by jcuknz; 10th August 2013 at 12:54 AM.
Thanks Karm and jcuknz for your comments.
It would have been better to have taken the shot from a bit to the right and further back but there was a large tree in the way. This was about the most un-obstructed view I could get. The cloning you've done does reduce the impact of the bank however I do prefer the large dof view of the image as a whole.
I love this shot.
If you shot it again maybe change angle a wee bit and even eliminate the second hut and reduce bank. Lot's of options here but this is a fine shot as is although a crop could eliminate most of the bank and maybe work the horizon a little more away from centre.
Thanks for your comments Monte. Much appreciated. More food for thought !
Great photo. Have you considered shooting a long exposure from the same location?