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Thread: Mt. Baker and Coast Range Panorama

  1. #1
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Mt. Baker and Coast Range Panorama

    This panorama of Mt. Baker (in Washington State) and other mountains was a spur of the moment grab shot, or rather 26 handheld grab shots. There was less haze than usual so the opportunity seem too good to pass by. The photos were taken from a viewpoint several miles north of Victoria.

    Mt. Baker is approximately 90 kilometres away from the viewpoint from which the picture was taken. The mountains on the left side of the picture are north and northeast of Vancouver and are 90-100 kilometers from Mt. Baker. Although Vancouver can't be seen it's in a direct line from the viewpoint.

    Mt. Baker and Coast Range Panorama

    Because the photo is so much wider than it is high, you'll have a much better view if you go to the "original" size photo on Smugmug: . (Later edit: In order to see the original size image once you're at Smugmug, it appears you need to click on the image in order to enlarge it.)

    This "original" size photo on Smugmug is in fact very significantly reduced in size from the 4GB file that resulted from the pano stitching.

    This was the first large pano I've done. One of the intial challenges was that I tried to use content aware fill, in Photoshop, in order to fill in assorted blank areas around the perimeter. Trying to do this to a 4GB proved too much for the computer and its 8GB RAM so I reduced the file size by 75% and then the filling in went smoothly and comparatively quickly. Some vignetting is visible if you look closely. If I do more large panos, I may get dedicated pano stitching software but overall I was happy with how Photoshop coped with this experiment.
    Last edited by Cantab; 11th August 2013 at 12:08 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
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    Allan Short

    Re: Mt. Baker and Coast Range Panorama

    Bruce: look no wandering lines, very nicely done, 26 shots is a lot the most I have put together is 19 shots. One of the things I do is shoot in portrait instead of landscape as I can get more sky, a little closer to what the eye sees. Again nicely done.



  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Osoyoos, British Columbia Canada
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    Trevor Reeves

    Re: Mt. Baker and Coast Range Panorama

    Quite a spectacular image and feat. I would image there would be quite the market for this.


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