This thread was prompted by a post in the RAW/SOOC debate, which suggested that with today's sensors ettr was rarely needed (SOOC shooters can smile indulgently and move on, at this point
Just to check my understanding, ettr (expose to the right) is to deliberately over-expose the image in order to move as much of it as possible into the brighter regions where there is less noise, whilst avoiding blown highlights.
So the suggestion was that the earlier digital sensors generated significant noise, and that ettr made sense to compensate for this. However, sensor technology has improved to the point where noise levels are generally low, and there is little need for ettr.
I think I understand that low light levels can still give rise to noise, and that for large prints and/or particularly critical clients or subjects it may be important to reduce noise as far as possible. Maybe also b&w images (with high structure?) are more likely to show noise?
So, my question is, how often do you actually use ettr in practice?