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Thread: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    A companion volume to The Digital Negative, The Digital Print" has just hit the physical and ebook streets. Would be very interested to hear from anyone who has it.

    As an owner of the first book, I may well take the plunge and buy the Kindle version anyway at £15.19.

    Incidentally, and sorry if this is stating the obvious, but clearly a book like this is useless on a Kindle itself. However, I find photo books work just fine with the Kindle app on my Android tablet (or on my PC for that matter).

    Last edited by davidedric; 13th August 2013 at 05:35 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    I received it a couple of days ago. I'm making my way through it only slowly so no definitive review yet. However, it looks every bit as useful as the Digital Negative. A number of sections seem to dovetail nicely back into stuff in the Dig.Neg. Looking forward there seems to be quite a bit more stuff on fine tuning colour and tone esp. in response to soft proofing.
    V. happy with the purchase so far.

  3. #3

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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    Up to p.237 out of 315. Currently about to start the section "Printing Black-and-white images using a third-party RIP". There is a lot of very useful information in the book. It's very complete - more complete than most of us might ever need since he covers both Mac and Windows versions of PS and has sections on Epson and Canon printers.

    I read at night, before sleep, in a not-terribly-bright room. The printing of the text is somewhat light but still gives me little trouble. On the other hand, the images of menus and drop-down boxes are small, not terribly contrasty and totally flummox my eyes, making it necessary to use an extra light to see.

    The book is full of illustrations (for example in Chap. 3, the illustrations run to 3.100 and it is not untypical for a single illustration to be made up of several images showing differences to be expected between settings) and, except for the problems cited, they seem beautifully reproduced.

    I am looking forward to Chap. 5, The Attributes of a Perfect Print. I shall certainly keep it and study it further than just the first read-through.

  4. #4
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    I haven't read either book but have been wondering whether it might be worth getting the Digital Negative. It sounds like you all thought the Digital Negative was worth reading?

  5. #5

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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    I can add my vote to The Digital Negative. It is very detailed and informative and I am considering re-reading it soon - a purchase that I am glad I made

  6. #6
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    Hi folks,

    Many thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and bought the Kindle version of the book (the Kindle and the paperback were more or less the same price on UK Amazon). I've read the first couple of chapters, not enough to judge the book's content, but enough to judge the "Kindle experience", so I thought I'd post that for the benefit of anyone reading and thinking of a purchase.

    I'm using the Kindle App on a 10" Samsung tablet. I use the sepia background, because I find it easier on they eye.

    I like to have the book next to my PC when I am reading so that I can try things out. The lighting is quite subdued, so I took particular note of Hendrik's comments about the rather faint print and difficult to read menus, for example. I can say that I have found both text and images crystal clear, and of course the tablets brightness can be dialed up as needed.

    The size of the text can be changed in the Kindle App, but this does not affect the size of any embedded images. However, images can be individually zoomed to more or less fill the page.

    Of course all the usual pros and cons of ebooks and real books apply, but for my purposes I am sure the ebook format was the right choice (and I have copies on my tablet and desktop, and could have on my laptop and Kindle (!) if I wished at no extra cost.


  7. #7
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    I haven't read any of his books, but I'm familiar with him; he's a frequent and very knowledgeable contributor on the LuLa forum. He doesn't work for Adobe, but he's an avid user, and there were some nasty attacks on him over the CC situation.

    He's not afraid to say it like it is - subtlety is not one of his strong points - which would weigh in this favour when writing I think.


  8. #8
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    Shane and Glenn, thank you for your feedback on the Digital Negative and Jeff Schewe. I have Evening's book on Photoshop CS6, but it sounds like Schewe's book is probably worth looking at.

  9. #9
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: New book from Jeff Schewe - The Digital Print

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Shane and Glenn, thank you for your feedback on the Digital Negative and Jeff Schewe. I have Evening's book on Photoshop CS6, but it sounds like Schewe's book is probably worth looking at.
    To date, the only digital photography books I have are by Martin Evening - four I think.


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