Hi Terri - welcome to the part of photography where you learn that your camera and your eyes see differently.
Your eyes (and brain) stitch together an image that is very much a composite. You see the sky and water and background. Your eyes dart around and the irises adjust themselves to the amount of light and your see everything. Your camera, on the otherhand takes the whole scene and records it, as it is, without being filtered through the brain.
The specular highlights (i.e. the light dancing on the water) is frozen in time, whereas you see it over a longer period.
At this point, we get to introduce you to the world of post-processing, where we can play with the data that your camera captured, and to some extent try to turn in more into the scene that you remember seeing;
A bit of lightening of the trees and land, sharpening and increasing contrast a bit, straighten the horizon, etc. All of this take a minute or two, once you have some practice and use post-processing software. Otherwise, you can tweak some of your camera settings a bit, but you will still get an average record of what the camera recorded.