You are so right about the value of pictures of those people and pets we love.
I lost a wonderful German Shepherd-Golden Retriever-Wolf hybrid to cancer over ten years ago. I have always been happy that I have a decent image of this girl whom I remember like she was with me up to yesterday.
I have an edited copy of this image hanging on my wall between my family room and kitchen, so I pass her every day...
Although this is just a snapshot done with a box camera, it is one of my favorite pictures. It shows my father as a young sailor aboard the Battleship, USS Texas about 1930.
I have better pictures of my dad but, this is my favorite since it was he who influenced me into joining (and staying in) the Navy. I served in the Navy from the age of 17 until I retired at 49 years old. I have never regretted any of those 32 years! BTW: it's not too shabby the first of every month either, when my retirement check comes in...