just wondering if anyone here uses Sagelight and if so, waddya think?
just wondering if anyone here uses Sagelight and if so, waddya think?
I had never heard of it but, after Googling it, Sagelight appears to be pretty popular. I am pretty happy with Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Bridge does everything that I want. But, if I were not set up with CS6 and NIK, I would consider Sagelight...
not Yet...will post when i do..ty
its fun and easy..and cheap...like 40 bucks...I would like to hear from those of you who have a lot of time in with the various editors as I am a relative neophyte.
I have used it for 2 years and its very good. It's still in development so it has some shortfalls but image processing is quick and stunning. New noise reduction is awesome. Takes a good computer to run it.
I hadn't heard of it either, but I did go to the web site and it sounded interesting. Not going to cut over to it, but certainly looks like one to keep an eye on as a non-Adobe contender.
For any users out there, one thing intrigued me. Sagelight seems to have replaced the (e.g.) Temperature and Tint controls with a single "Colour Wheel" slider, which is presented as a significant step forward in simplifying WB correction . Since my understanding is that you need the two more or less orthogonal controls to navigate a two dimension slice through a colour space, how can this be achieved with a single slider?