I am suprised by Alan [WoofWoof]'s commentsd about OVF becuase in my experience of EVF they come up with
a bright image whatever the situation. Out at 11pm with just street lights on one side of the road, except for under a car under one of the lights neither the camera nor I could see anything, otherwise contrast detection worked fast as usual .. it was an AF test and didn't take any photos just a multitude of setups trying to stop CD from working ... I did for a couple of times but it was very hard finding an area with absolutely no contrast in the target area. G3 with Lumix 14-140 and the very small focus area this camera offers you. The G1 is a very old camera, I think the latest is G6 or G7[?], by digital standards of evolution.
Ted ... if your assesment of a camera is the IQ that it makes then we are from different paths becuase I judge a camera as a working tool ... for instance I am not aware of CA, know what to look for, so have never found it ... each to their own
Of the two feather shots ... they are not the same so cannot really be compared for a meaningful judgement.