Out driving the countryside we found this old structure. Of course it was mid day and the sun was shining bright. I got this shot when the sun went behind a cloud because I preferred it, even though it's a bit flat, over the harsh bright sun. However, I would like to return there in the early morning light for another chance.
I'm wondering mostly how you feel about the composition of this shot. Does it bother you than I've lopped off part of the building? Does this do anything for you at all?
I framed it this way for a few reasons. First, I was trying to block out modern structures and utility lines. Second, I liked the idea of this old house, in it's time, all alone with this expansive view. Problem is, it's actually a barn with a cattle chute on the other end. Third, I liked that the top lines of the structure are somewhat mimicked by the lines of the mountains.
Feedback appreciated in case I get a chance to get back out one early morning. The second shot just shows the other end of the building and is just included for reference. Thanks!
And because I know some of you will suggest it - here is a monochrome version. I would prefer a little more contrast in tones between the shrubs and the logs but I rather like this version.