I took these photos a few weeks ago. I had to run a few errands at lunch and stopped at this local dairy which has an ice cream stand. It was a typical hot and humid New England summer day. The dairy farm has some animals on display and you can walk through the barns to see the cows. C&C welcome and help with #4.
1. This was one of several young calves in a pen near the main barn.
f5.6, 1/200, iso 200, 250mm Canon 55-250mm lens
2. This is the same calf. I loved the look on his face. Even though there were children feeding him, he was more concerned about what the camera was doing. It's the same look I get from my cat.
f5.6, 1/320, iso 200, 250 mm
3. This was a pretty red chicken who posed for the pic.
f5.6, 1/160, iso 200, 250mm
4. The cows were not very cooperative, wouldn't turn around. I wanted this photo to be sharp all over, but the foreground is a little soft. I think I need to move further away from the foreground to get the sharpness? Or would a smaller f stop work? I am sure a wide angle lens would be better too. How do you know how much of the photo will be sharp? I know there are calculators to help and the depth of field preview, but it is too small and you really can't see it. Is it something you just develop by trial and error, lots of errors?
f9, 1/200, iso 200, 55mm