I'd like some good advice on what sort of DPI to look for. I've been looking around for a colour laser printer and have a few questions about what resolution to get.
1. the pictures my camera takes is 300 DPI (dots per inch) when set on best quality, (which is what I use.) So far my research has shown this is what magazines will use and that any DPI above that on a printer will just be ignored and basically a waste. If so why do most printers go way above that often into the thousands?
2. could someone please explain the horizontal and vertical combination i.e. 600 x 300 DPI, surely it should print at the same quality in both the horizontal and the vertical? I'm either going onto the twilight zone here or am missing something that's probably obvious.
3. My old printer is a Canon Pixma MP160 with 4800 x 1200 DPI it is getting a bit old now (hence the search for a new one) but it has problems giving a decent print higher than a 6 x 4 photograph and that's on the best quality setting, using good paper and after going through the expensive rigmarole of cleaning the heads. saying this it is an inkjet printer can I expect better results from a laser printer? either with a lower, similar or higher DPI?
4. I have my camera set on "large" picture size. would choosing a smaller size have any difference on the print result?
and finally
5. just info people might need rather than a question really . . .
I use a Nikon D5100 set to best quality and large picture (as stated) total 16.9 million pixels / effective 16.2 million pixels (not sure what that difference is for but that's the spec's.) I am looking to print some exceptionally good quality prints at 10 x 8 (more or less A4) pictures are at 300dpi what should I be looking at for the spec's in a laser printer please?
any help would be appreciated
thanks B.B.