I'd cut a quarter off the top and a quarter off the bottom.
The longer one looks, the more you see.
I think this comp is just fine. It very much reminds me of Rorschach pictures!
I kind of like the second version Mike!
More of a monochromatic kaleidoscopic effect!
(How's that for an oxymoron?)!
Very nice. first version for me.
Beautiful image Mike... While I like the 2nd version a lot, I prefer the first version because it looks like a face, perhaps an alien from outer space.
The other abstract you posted is not for me, but I think this image is absolutely stunning.
PS Have you ever thought of placing exotic, colourful fish inside your glass vessels? Wildlife and architecture, all in one image... Just a thought.
LOL.. I haven't a clue what Steve suggested.. I just envisioned your glassware with pretty fish inside... However, I'm positive that my idea is not beyond your technical proficiency, just add a little water (transparent with refraction properties?) and start with a slow moving b&w striped fish...
Last edited by Brownbear; 1st September 2013 at 10:16 PM. Reason: typo
You forgot that the fish isn't transparent. Adding an opaque subject to the scene introduces requirements that are presently way above my pay grade.
I like that also, Greg, and only hope it's not too much of a crop when it comes to printing the file. I might take the time to set up the shot again using that composition filling the frame. Thanks for the idea!
Ten Transparent Animals
What about a glass fish, flower or a diamond (just the gem) ?
This is just great having Terry, Steve and Christina ganging up on me. Did any of you remember that the easiest and perhaps only easy aspect of photographing glass is that it doesn't move!.
Bring on the anesthetic!