Now this is very cool! Love the color and this is a very nice abstract IMHO. One small quibble on the crop...see if you can get the center oval centered in the frame.
I like it, Mike! A bottle within a bottle. That white shape inside the bottle makes me think of Barbara Eden - as in 'I Dream of Genie'. It's reminiscent of the opening animations.
Glad you like it, Greg! Sorry that I don't remember the television show's opening animations. I could plead innocence about not being old enough but that wouldn't be truthful.
Not a small quibble, Shane. I can't believe that I didn't see that. Making the adjustment that you suggested also centers the arc at the top. Thank you so much!
Looks much better centered Mike! I must say that I am enjoying seeing your progression through the abstract images you are showing. They are very difficult to get right which always strikes me as a bit odd since they are 'abstract' and not an image of anything identifiable. Nice work
BTW, here is a video of that opening sequence that Greg mentioned...