Thanks Mike, I find this area a real challenge to shoot from the shadows and filter the sky at the same time, learning curve in work
Jon I like this too, very good composition IMO. I'd probably increase the Contrast and Clarity adjustments a bit in pp.
Nice. I like the foreground interest that you included, as well as the appearance of the water and reflections. I should check this place out; difficult to believe I have never been there. My brother and his friends actually were there the same day as you.
Thanks Dave, I went back and revisited the contrast and tried out a a couple of contrast curves and it did make a noticable improvement. I have noticed a few of my post have generated a low contrast CIC, I seem to have issues with this in my workflow and will just have to keep my eye on it.
Matt, Lottie Bay works well when the Tide is going out, but at high tide it gets really cramped against the bluff and its a steep climb out :P