My photo, Rockport Sunrise, recently won mini competition #1731. The image is a little more over processed than I usually do, but the results are pleasing. I thought I'd share a bit as to how the evolved. The image was shot at sunrise, about 6:00 EDT, from a dinghy in Rockport's Sandy Bay anchorage. The camera was a Panasonic GH2 eqiupped with the 12-35mm zoom set at 19mm and f2.8. ISO was 160 and the shutter was 1/320.
The image processed well in Lr but showed potential for more drama. I re-processed it in NIK HDR FX Pro 2 (even though this is a single image) and set the HDR settings fairly low. I then worked on the image some more in Lr4, eventually coming to the image presented in the competition. It prints well, too!
RAW file from camera - no adjustments
Lr4 processed image
TIF file imported from NIK HDR FX Pro 2
TIF file from NIK further processed in Lr4