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Thread: More dragonfly

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Lincoln UK

    More dragonfly

    Hi to to you all
    As a new member (only joined yesterday) the great pics . of Rookies dragonflies 19th July caught my eye as I grabbed a quick shot of one in my back yard only last week. They dont sit still long for one to see all their details so I was amazed at all the detail in my shot.
    Unable to throw background more out of focus as fence was only about 4 inches behind subject
    Taken on a Kodak Z740 Bridge camera.

    Have been about 2hours trying to attach photo, too big, wrong file type etc etc URL to picture I did not understand! perhaps someone can enlighten me, wont know if its worked untill I submit but here goes.
    Regards Bob
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: More dragonfly

    Hi Bob,
    Nice pic; yes, I'd be well pleased to have taken that, well done - as you say, they don't hang around.

    I agree that posting a picture stumped me for a while, the 97kB limit is a nuisance (but necessary, I accept).

    I found it was easier to have the pictures hosted on the internet elsewhere and have a link from here, using the little mountain icon, like this
    More dragonfly

    But I should have restricted the width to 700 px (it's 1500).

    If you don't have anywhere on the web to do this, I'd suggest downloading Picasa and setting up a Picasa web album, they're free and easy to do. Strictly speaking I shouldn't link directly to a photo like this, so now I post a link to either my whole album, or a specific one, ideally as a slideshow, and encourage people to go look there if the fancy takes them. My dragonfly was taken last summer, so it is right down the bottom on the Picasa album page. The example slideshow is not my finest work, I chose it so it was not too big (4 photos at 4 seconds each).

    Ideally I'd like a better web album, but Picasa is just so easy to set up and use.

    Welcome, I learn a lot here, I'm sure we all do. Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd August 2008 at 12:34 AM.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Lincoln UK

    Re: More dragonfly

    Hi RS
    Thanks for your interest and comments I shall certainly be looking into the Picaso site in the near future.
    Chances are we will be "bumping into" each other again as it where on this site.
    Regards and thanks again

  4. #4
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    Re: More dragonfly

    I've updated the image upload permissions for all registered users. JPEG/JPG files can now be up to 300KB in size each. The total storage available for attachments has also been increased from 1MB to 5MB. Hopefully this will make image uploading easier. It is still recommended though that image be no more than 700px in width if you want them to fit within the post itself (using an external link).

  5. #5
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: More dragonfly

    Just love the detail in the wings, Dave. Excellent. It's a shame they don't hang around for long.

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