I decided that I must be a schizophrenic photographer as depending on my mood or location and subject to huge financial (and family) constraints there were very few types I had not tried.
Last edited by pnodrog; 7th September 2013 at 06:58 PM.
#8 Landscape, true to the paragraph my tripod is always in the other hand or attached to the camera. I am not usually alone because my DH seems to think if he is not with me, I will most likely fall in the river or ocean, off the edge of the cliff or down some deep ravine. According to him I look more at the subject that I plan to photograph then I look at where I am going. Some of my favorites, waterfalls, rivers, oceans, sunrise, sunsets, clouds.
The Intrepid Traveler. They should add a 26th, the lens chaser and I would be as guilty.
At my age. it's my scooter that determines my targets of opportunity.
There is a local engineer that custom makes 4WD mobility chairs that can tackle some bush tracks, sand dunes and many off road situations but users need to make sure the batteries are fully charged before getting to adventurous. Actually I should get one as there is a shopping basket that would be ideal for the camera gear and if I could mount a tripod head on it I would save a lot of walking lugging my tripod along.
Seems they left out the "photographer".
A guy who just loves to shoot. Landscape, wildlife, portraits, street, fashion shows, concerts, mountains, models, motorcycles/cars, babies, people, weddings, buildings, pets, any......
I guess that's just me. A guy who loves to shoot - anything.
#8 Landscape and #9 Minimalist. ...and just like the article says, I will be out before sunrise tomorrow at one of the area beaches to catch the early light...probably with an ND filter. Unlike the article, though, I will be with another photographer who is just as 8 and 9 as I am rather than walking around alone. He's picking me up at 5am. We'll be at Makapu'u Beach if you care to join us....
They forgot one - "the Opportunist". How can you recognise him? - by his love of the zoom lens.
Yep, Number 8 describes me perfectly! In fact, it's so perfect that it's disturbing.
got to be number 20 for me. The number of times i have been asked if i'm ok when i have been laying on the ground to photograph an insect.
I'm with nimitzbenedicto. Only 4 of the 25 are not of interest to me (3 California Dreamer, 21 Twitcher, 24 Light Painter, 25 One a day). Of the remainder, I have taken photographs that fit into all the categories except that I have not taken a photograph in only one category (18 Astronomer). I have in mind to shoot the next blue moon from Badwater in Death Valley but that's still months away.
For those who don't know, a blue moon is one of two things, neither of which refers to the Moon's actually being blue colored:
Seasonal blue moon - This is the classic blue moon. It is, when you have 4 full moons in three months, the third of the four; next seasonal blue moon is 21 May 2016.
Calendar blue moon - when you have two full moons in one "standard" calendar month which is why, in English, we have the expression, "once in a blue moon" (but this type of blue moon has only been defined since 1946); next one is 31 July 2015 (the first full moon in that July will have been 2 July 2015).
I am definitely #23.
#4 & #5
At this point I would have to say that I am 20 & 22. However, I am trying out so many new things that I am sure that this answer will change in the near future
I am the photographer that I want to be...and yet want to learn something else, e.g. portraiture...I've done macro, architecture, aviation mostly, events, name it -- I've been there but I can honestly say I suck at PP especially when I cannot even make my black dog black in PP.
8 and 15. Landscapes and still life are my passion. I once spent 8 hours setting up a shot in my house, shot 1 roll of 6x7 film, then tore everything apart.
8, for sure, and if I can get a coach, 6.