I am reviewing Lightroom for purchase and downloaded the beta 5.2 version. I am a Nikon user (D5100) and am familiar with ViewNX2. I would have gone for Capture NX2 but did not see any major upgrades for quite some time. LR appears to be adding functionality quite frequently and would have made my purchase but for the fact that I am having trouble to match the colors between ViewNX2 and LR 5.2 using my custom presets. One caveat here - my monitor is not calibrated with any external product other than what came with the Win7 OS, but I believe I should see the same colors on the same monitor when viewing LR and ViewNX2 side-by-side. I do use ProPhoto RGB as the default RGB space in ViewNX2 but my monitor is not an IP monitor so I believe it will not display colors outside of sRGB - maybe this is an incorrect assumption.
I find that ViewNX2 shows deeper blues (most obvious color to show a difference, for example ocean view photo in Hawaii with cloudless blue sky and deep blue ocean) when I open the same RAW photo both in LR and ViewNX2 and compare them side by side. I used Nikon Neutral preset (Develop Settings) during import into LR - in any case none of the other LR presets give me a match. I have tried to customize a pre-set to make them match but then it messes up other photos opened with the same preset.
What are my options? Do I need to purchase a LR preset for my Nikon? I have downloaded Nikon preset for LR4 but although they come close, I cannot get some of those deep blues to match. Does the CT matter at all to the preset - meaning do I need separate presets for different CTs?
All I am trying to do is not get saddled with a complicated workflow just to stay close to Nikon generated colors - I would rather stick with Capture NX2 and have the correct colors show up and sacrifice some of the workflow advantages of LR.
Here is the sample - LR is set to Camera Neutral and CT shows 5700 - even clarity/sharpness is off in LR and seems to be underexposed. The Nikon RAW is SOOC: