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Thread: Is this any good.

  1. #21
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Is this any good.

    Hi Arith,

    Technically, this is obviously a lot better than take 1, as is the composition ... except (you knew that was coming didn't you?)

    The bench seat, especially as cut off at the knees, feels superfluous.
    Also, the vertical pole in the foreground sorta cuts the picture in two.

    The pole you could quite easily clone out, but the bench seat is a bit more of a problem, although it is quite nice the way the sun is just catching it. Shame you don't have just those extra few mm wide angle (e.g. a 24mm or an 18mm).

    Just my tuppence worth,

  2. #22
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Is this any good.

    Yeh well; I actually put the bench seat in, don't sit on it!!! I'm getting closer but it looks like money or dosh is the only thing to achieve near perfection.

    I have a few more well about 50 images but I had problems keeping my tripod steady in the snow, in fact I kept taking them over and over just because of the potential for movement.

    Pointing the sun right down the centre doesn't seem to work; but slightly off centre does.

  3. #23
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Is this any good.

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Yeh well; I actually put the bench seat in, don't sit on it!!! I'm getting closer but it looks like money or dosh is the only thing to achieve near perfection.


    Pointing the sun right down the centre doesn't seem to work; but slightly off centre does.
    What, you mean you dragged it there?
    The Church Warden will be after you

    In hindsight, I do like the bench, with the sun and all, but I want to see the legs and ground (complete with drag marks?)

    Certainly flare-wise this is fine.

    On the dosh front, I guess a zoom that starts at 18mm will either be a naff kit lens, or expensive Is there a Canon prime at 18 or 20mm? (I think 24mm is a bit too similar to what you have to be worth buying.)

  4. #24
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Is this any good.

    I could do with a TS lens Dave. To get this I had to point the camera up and in doing so caused the church to lean back as you would expect. Processing to straighten up again caused me to lose the legs.

    I think the Church Warden is ex army so I don't want him after me; in fact the grave of the most decorated soldier from WW1 who never fired a shot is here somewhere, don't know where though.

  5. #25
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Is this any good.

    A lot more PP.

    Is this any good.

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