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Thread: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I'm really interested to get reactions to this one.

    I, as much as any landscape photographer, like to try and get 'the reflection shot'. This early morning scene seemed, to me, to call out for a sort-of minimalist type approach.

    I suppose it's because it's a bit different for me that I'm really keen to get responses, good or bad.

    Reflections on Loch Garten 2
    40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L @ 42mm. ISO100. 1/30s@f16

  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I like it. Especially the reflections of the trees, and mountains in the water.
    I am wondering if cropping a tad off the bottom may help.


  3. #3
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I like it, a lot but I'm not really sure why... perhaps because of the contrast of the white which makes all the detail in your image stand out beautifully. I'm curious as to what it would look like if contrast could be pushed further (starker) or even the opposite direction ie soft.

  4. #4
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Donald, I like this also and I would agree with Bruce on the crop off the bottom. I think it is because your images are almost never centered in the frame and this one is throwing me for a loop.


  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrak View Post
    I think it is because your images are almost never centered in the frame and this one is throwing me for a loop.
    Jon - One of the main things I hoped people would comment on was the placement of the shore line on the centre of the image as I did. Both you and Bruce have helpfully said what you think.

    Christina - I did try pushing the contrast up a bit further, but felt that lost the balance and 'quietness' in the scene that i was wanting.

  6. #6
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Hi Donald,

    I like the image, a lot and the symmetry. I wasn't sure what I mean about the contrast, just trying to learn by viewing your photo which is likely confusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Jon - One of the main things I hoped people would comment on was the placement of the shore line on the centre of the image as I did. Both you and Bruce have helpfully said what you think.

    Christina - I did try pushing the contrast up a bit further, but felt that lost the balance and 'quietness' in the scene that i was wanting.

  7. #7

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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    No, no, no! Do not move the shore line from the middle of the frame.

    If anything, crop both the top and the bottom the same amount, definitely not unequal amounts.

    I like this very much as is.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 17th September 2013 at 10:35 AM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    i like the image, a lot and the symmetry. I wasn't sure what I mean about the contrast, just trying to learn by viewing your photo which is likely confusing.
    Christina - It is a perfectly legitimate suggestion make and many people would, I'm sure, prefer to see a bit more contrast in it. It all comes down to that 'personal taste' thing.

    Mike -Centering the shore line certainly felt the right thing to do with it. I played about quite a lot with that line in the viewfinder before I shot it and thougth that teh symmetry created by putting it on the centre, worked best.

  9. #9
    Tony M's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I like it very much, especially fairly low contrast.

    But, the shoreline is not quite centred in the frame. I like the idea of making a symmetric image (if that is the objective), but the slightly greater amount of sky than water bothers me a bit.


  10. #10
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I hate commenting on your shots Donald because they are all so extremely well considered and executed that it seems almost vulgar to suggest they could have been otherwise presented.

    I agree with Mike..the positioning is all but perfect but I am not getting enough contrast to draw my eye in or so much less contrast as to play with the mist and I am not so sure it is even as simple as the contrast and not more to do with the 'fade out' into the mist in the 3rd vertical quadrant. Something in that doesn't work for me and i wish i could be more specific.

    A very peaceful shot ................and it's not square !

  11. #11

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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    I think most or all of Sharon's concerns might be alleviated if the photo was cropped tighter at the top and bottom.

  12. #12
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I think most or all of Sharon's concerns might be alleviated if the photo was cropped tighter at the top and bottom.

    I like the crop as it is Mike

    For me the pale bit of mountain in the third vertical quadrant needs some contrast to allow it to recede and bring dimension to the piece.

  13. #13
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Reflections on Loch Garten 2

    Hi Donald,

    Thank you. I could not put into words what I meant, and I think I can now. I usually have a stronger sense of the weather in your photos, ie; the mist/fog stronger but still soft... I don't know how one would do this but I see it in most of your photos. Anyway, I do l like this photo a lot, and the crop as presented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Christina - It is a perfectly legitimate suggestion make and many people would, I'm sure, prefer to see a bit more contrast in it. It all comes down to that 'personal taste' thing.

    Mike -Centering the shore line certainly felt the right thing to do with it. I played about quite a lot with that line in the viewfinder before I shot it and thougth that teh symmetry created by putting it on the centre, worked best.

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