Having acquired a micro four-thirds camera and a rather fancy macro lens for close-up, it was necessary to re-visit the subject of Depth of Field (DOF) - a subject known and loved by by all, a hardy perennial in these and other fora
Now, every calculation of depth field requires, as input, the dreaded Circle of Confusion (CoC) or your sensor details or your 'crop factor' so that it can pick one for you. In the latter case, it is of course assumed that you are actually going to print 10"x8" images and inspect them with perfectly average eyes at exactly 200mm distance.
Enter your non-conformist, complete with myopia. Gazes at images on his or her 86 ppi screen at, say, half a meter. Should he or she look up the CoC in some list somewhere and believe it? tsk!
I looked up my camera somewhere: it said CoC = 0.016mm; elsewhere it said 0.015mm, close enough, eh? However, for screen-gazing, even with good vision, I calculate it to be 0.037mm !!
In context, if I shoot a 100mm subject which appears on my sensor as 10mm, a CoC of 0.016 gives me 28mm DOF. On the hand, a CoC of 0.037 gives me 65mm DOF, which could mess up my consummate artistry.