I have passed this woman many times while driving to work. She and her lawyer often stand outside a nursing home/rehabilitation center with this sign and one that reads that the state has rated this facility below average. I decided to speak with her and have her tell me her story.
Her mother was in her middle eighties with many of the normal illnesses that beset us as we age. She told me that her mom was very active and probably had a better social life than she. A while back she put her mom into this facility because she needed some rehabilitation.
This facility is associated with her and her mom's religion and she felt comfortable that her mom would receive excellent care. The upper left picture was taken the day her mom was admitted and the picture on the lower right is what she looked like the day she died (I believe, seven weeks later).
She is suing the facility for medical malpractice. I'll save you the litany of things she claims the facility botched in her mom's care. She told me that she visited her mom everyday but three and complained bitterly to the facility's doctors and administrators about her mom's deteriorating condition, but to no avail.
It's interesting the response she has received to her almost daily protest vigil. Elderly woman who visit friends at the facility, who are also members of the church that sponsor's it, question her integrity and right to protest.
Individuals who have lost family members while staying in this facility have come to her feeling guilty that they did not protest what they also sensed was an unnatural death to their family member.
I can't say whether she is right or wrong in her claims -- I just don't have the evidence. However, in my lengthy conversation with her I came to admire what she's doing. She has already gotten the facility administrators to admit to the community that the state rates its services below average. Probably more important to her than any financial reward she might win is that she wants to improve the care this facility offers (she related to me circumstantial evidence indicating that it already has) and get the facility administrators to admit their wrong doing in her mom's premature death.
My faith in my community goes up when middle class, conservative people are willing to protest in the street. She gains nothing materially from what she's doing. Her legal suite will be settled on issues completely separate from her protest. Nevertheless, she's out in the world protesting to make her community a better place to live. A small but heroic act.
(Yes, I received her verbal permission to take this picture and yes I told her I was going to post it and her story. She has neither reviewed the picture nor my story. I am receiving no compensation and I'm completely responsible for both the image and the story that accompanies it. For me, this is not a story about medical malpractice but a story about an individual who feels she's been wronged.)
Comments welcomed.