I have both the 18-55 and the 55-200 for my Nikon D40. The 55-200 usually stays in the camera bag around town. The 18-55 usually stays in the camera bag when I'm in the field. I have probably shot 10 times the pictures with the 18-55 than with the 55-200. The only way I'd part with either is if somebody handed me the 18-200 to take their place.
I find the 18-55 is the most useful lens for anything but wildlife. I have shot some landscape with the 55-200, but only when the 18-55 won't frame to my liking. The most recent example was a sunset highlighted copse of trees on the horizon several miles away. (It didn't turn out very well, but that was my fault.

The point I'm trying to make is that they are both useful, when used in their own environment. I would check the quality of the 18-105 and think carefully about selecting, instead, a longer second lens. The extra reach of a 200 or greater lens is something you will sometimes lust after.