Week 52 - Flowering between the spells of rain and gales.
Iris unguicularis
7D with Tamron 24-70. 1/40 F11 Iso 400.
These flowers open during brighter spells but the blooms don't last long in our wet and windy weather.
Garrya elliptica
This shrub produces long catkins during the winter.
1/250 F18 Iso 400. Impossible to shoot against this sky so I used some fill flash and set the camera using manual settings for the sky plus some fill flash with a little bit of flash output compensation. Whilst experimenting with getting this correct I forgot about reducing my Iso so there is a bit of noise on the sky.
And remember - Sprouts aren't just for Christmas!
1/200 F5.6 Iso 400. I suppose I could have reduced the Iso but I don't think it made much difference in this case.
All shot with a tripod.