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Thread: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Dan asked me to post a photo of my Nikon ML-L3 remote control with a hole drilled in it so he could see where to drill one without damaging its functionality. I drilled it so the cord could be attached and hung either from my neck or the tripod at all times. This solution prevents the control from becoming lost (it's small) or from being accidentally dropped somewhere that might damage it or render it irretrievable.

    Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 7th October 2013 at 02:36 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    thanks mike

  3. #3
    GeorgeM's Avatar
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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Thank you for this, Mike.

  4. #4
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Thanks for posting Mike. It has given me an idea to consider this with my wireless remote.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Lucky shot (drill) there Mike, you obviously missed all of the traces on the circuit board.

  6. #6

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    If anyone want's to attach a lanyard without drilling there are available small adhesive 'buttons' with a hole in them which I will post a link to when I find them again.

  7. #7

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Mike, you missed your should have kept quiet and mass produced them. If people buy the 'but wait, there's more...' Stuff on tv, you can bet these would sell!
    Now you will have to remain just 1 of us, THANKFULLY!

  8. #8

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Not at all lucky, Manfred. I had seen a photo of one that had already been successfully drilled and I drilled my hole in approximately the same place.

    Having said that, Steve's solution sounds more elegant and certainly risk-free, so long as the adhesive on the button doesn't come lose as has happened on adhesive buttons that I have put on front lens caps.

  9. #9
    drjuice's Avatar
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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Hi, Mike -

    First, thanks for the posted image.

    Second, how did you find the correct corner? Did you disassemble the remote? I have an alpha700, not a Nikon, so my corner that has "nothing" in it may be different than yours.

    Thanks again for the image. I'm ready to do it, because I have to be a close second behind you in clutziness. ;~)


  10. #10

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Quote Originally Posted by drjuice View Post
    how did you find the correct corner? Did you disassemble the remote?
    I saw a photo of one that had been successfully drilled by someone else.

    You're correct that drilling the remote control that works with your Alpha 700 may result in a ruined remote control. Even if we don't hear back from Steve about his solution, you could attach a lens cap thingie that keeps the cap from falling to the ground to your remote control. You could then attach its cord to your tripod and/or a longer cord that is suitable.

    I have to be a close second behind you in clutziness. ;~)
    Considering that you don't know how to spell the word, that proves to me that you're not a true klutz.

  11. #11
    drjuice's Avatar
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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    One thing I've found about the lens cap keepers is that if I wipe the lens cap with an alcohol swab (easy to find around my house because I'm diabetic; if you have denatured alcohol around your place, you can pour a bit on a rag or paper towel and use that) and let it dry thoroughly. Then, the sticky end of the cap sticks just fine. I think that when they manufacture the camera body they must use some kind of fluid to clean off the surface and it seems a bit oily. And, that's why the alcohol swab works just fine.

    BTW - I ultimately did this to my Sony A700 remote as an alternative to drilling a hole. It's been working just fine for more than a year.


  12. #12

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    Re: Hole drilled in a Nikon ML-L3 remote control

    Glad to know the lens cap thingie has been working so well, Virginia. Your tip about using alcohol to clean the surface sounds like a gem.

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