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Thread: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

  1. #1
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Went for a nice trip to the seaside yesterday and ended up in Southend-on-Sea, had fish and chips on the beach and then walked the full length of its 1.34 mile long pier. At the end there were lots of people fishing and I saw this scene which I immediately knew would be ripe for a B&W conversion.

    Keen to hear what you think, so any C&C would be appreciated!

    Nikon D90 | Sigma 50mm f1.4 @ f/11 | 1/500 sec | ISO 200

    Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Thanks for viewing

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    All those railings and cross braces under the pier do look a bit confusing in monochrome; but this is less of a problem when viewed at full screen size.

    Possibly lacking in a 'main subject' but that taller lamp post does seem to make something of a focal point.

    So all in all, I like it.

  3. #3
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Thanks Geoff for your comments.

    Does a photo of this type need a "main subject"? I don't know...

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Hi Tommy,

    I like it too.

    I wish I could suggest a something to improve it, but given the scene, I can't.

    Does a photo of this type need a "main subject"?
    Usually yes, but for a scene like this, or an abstract, perhaps not.

    This tells a story of what people do on a sunny afternoon on the pier; a lot of fishing, with others just taking in the view.

    Not much help, am I? but well done,

  5. #5
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Thanks Dave. You're more helpful than you think you are!

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Beautifully rich tones.

    I wondered about the dominance of that rail coming across the frame in the foreground. I don't think it detracts from the image, but it is a significant feature. However, another option to consider would be going for a crop at the bottom to make it a 2.5:1 or even 3:1 panorama. That would take out some of that rail and throw more attention onto the scene on the main section of pier.

    But that's just the nit-picking you can do when the the product is already good to start with.

  7. #7
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    That's interesting you should say that Donald. I was actually annoyed with myself for not having composed the image so that the rail led all the way to the bottom right hand corner. I feel it leads the eye into the frame and then across the pier. Maybe if I had done what I just said then it would do a better job of that. But as it stands I think you may be right about it. I should have possibly leant over the side of the railings to take the shot and keep them out of the frame?

    Thanks for your feedback

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Quote Originally Posted by RockNGoalStar View Post
    I was actually annoyed with myself for not having composed the image so that the rail led all the way to the bottom right hand corner.
    Yes, that would probably have worked well and given the bottom part of the image a good anchor. I suppose my comment was indeed based on the fact that I feel it doesn't do that and sort-of floats there without as strong a connection to the rest of the picture as it could have.

  9. #9
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing on Southend Pier - B&W

    Only just noticed this one Tommy. It works well I think. The people enjoying the afternoon make it for me, but the composition is good too. I don't have a problem with the railing either.

    Nicely done


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