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Thread: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

  1. #1
    whited3's Avatar
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    Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Hi all.

    I'm trying to get some of my pics to print correctly. I'm using a photography print shop who use an Epson 11880 inkjet printing on Epson Premium Luster 260, product code S042134.

    I have been trying to get the ICC profile for this printer and paper. On the US site I found all the ICC profiles for this printer, bar the one for the luster (US spelling) paper.

    Am I on the right track looking for the ICC for a given paper on a given printer, or have I lost the plot?



  2. #2

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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Have you tried asking the print shop for the profile they use?

    As a side note, I'm sure you know that the only use for you would be soft proofing before sending your images off to be printed, as it is a device-dependant profile.
    Unless the print shop does not use a profile, but just sends the image to the printer 'as is'...

  3. #3
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    I did ask but they didn't send it. I think he was offended for some reason. Gave me a saga about not listening to forums and instead listening to trained professionals such as himself.

    Yes, the purpose is to soft proof. But really just trying to educate myself.

    Just to confuse things even more their website cites the Epson paper but the sample sheet they gave me is Kodak Pro supre endura. Go figure.....

    Quote Originally Posted by revi View Post
    Have you tried asking the print shop for the profile they use?

    As a side note, I'm sure you know that the only use for you would be soft proofing before sending your images off to be printed, as it is a device-dependant profile.
    Unless the print shop does not use a profile, but just sends the image to the printer 'as is'...

  4. #4

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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Mark you may want to try this link: this will take you to the Epson Help site, so e-mail your request for the ICC profile. Now the 3880, 7890/9890 and the 11880 all use the same ink, same print head, and drivers, the Luster 260 and 250 are the same stock 260 roll, 250 sheet. The Luster ICC profile comes standard in all Epson printers, so tell them why you want the profile and see if they sent it.
    Some times you can be told to use another ICC profile if the one you want is not available, of another stock as they are so close that they print the same.
    Hope this was of some help.



  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Of course, they could be using a third party ink and don't want you to know that. The profiles for the printer / paper combination assume the use of the OEM ink.

  6. #6

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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    My guess is that if he doesn't want to send you the profile they use, and the sample is not the paper you expected, they're doing some third party combo and are not letting on. I'd be seriously seeking another printer.
    FWIW it's just those kinds of issues that lead me to take the plunge and get my own printer and profiling gear. Never been happier with print quality.

  7. #7
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by Macmahon View Post
    My guess is that if he doesn't want to send you the profile they use, and the sample is not the paper you expected, they're doing some third party combo and are not letting on. I'd be seriously seeking another printer.
    FWIW it's just those kinds of issues that lead me to take the plunge and get my own printer and profiling gear. Never been happier with print quality.
    Tim, it would seem you are right. One print shop told me what printer they use but won't give me a profile. A second gave me a profile but won't say what printer they use. Both sent me paper samples which are different to that stated on their web sites.

    Nothing is it!

  8. #8

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    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    (...) Both sent me paper samples which are different to that stated on their web sites.
    Well, that sounds like false advertising to me (especially if the papers they use are of a lower quality/weight than advertised).

  9. #9

    Re: Epson 11880 Printer ICC Profile confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Tim, it would seem you are right. One print shop told me what printer they use but won't give me a profile. A second gave me a profile but won't say what printer they use. Both sent me paper samples which are different to that stated on their web sites.

    Nothing is it!
    Mark, as other members told you, the printer / paper match is unique, and even using original papers and inks there´s people who make their own profiles for that particular printer.

    I own an Epson 9890, here in Argentina. Original papers and inks, but when we buy thir party papers is not a crime to offer a medium quality cheaper paper to customers and tell them there´s no ICC profile for that paper. Some time, when buying those papers the dealer creates the custom ICC profile for our printer matching that paper.

    As a tip, you can get some common ICC profiles from Epson site, or you can download and install the 11880 driver (or just dig insinde the zipped driver file without installing it). It will add dozens of papers and canvas ICC profiles for epson papers and that printer.

    Hope this helps.


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