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I certainly understand where you are coming from, Colin. But, I have decided on a minty used 580EX II to replace my limping 550EX flash...
Actually, I have a friend in a local photo group who never used his flash (because he simply doesn't know how). I am getting his almost new 580EX II at a really great price ($200 U.S. Dollars). Since I always seem to be shooting with a flash that is one or two models old, I snapped up his offer. Two hundred bucks is an offer too good to refuse...
I realize that the 600EX-RT is a more complete unit but, I have a couple of older EX flash units which I can use as slaves to the 580EX II if I absoultely need a multi-flash setup. However, I seldom, if ever, use a multi-flash setup with hotshoe flashes. If I need a multi flash setup for indoor or studio work, I use my studio strobes. When I light with hotshoe flash, it is usually run-and-gun situations; either shooting with flash on camera or bouncing the flash from a Stroboframe Camera Flip bracket modified with a Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro...