Following are my edits, including a couple more for the exercise.
I processed these images in Lightroom 4 and tried to keep the low contrast in the original image by not moving the white and black points too much. However, I did move them a little, ranging from 10-20 on each side because moving these points brought out more detail in the swan. I also decreased the clarity in one of the photos on the entire image because it definitely decreased the contrast and made for an artsy feel.
Next I selectively sharpened just the swans by 25%. Selective clarity ranging in amounts of 10-20%.
I also selectively burned the bottom whiter portion of the swans by 30 (burning) to try and bring out more detail. Following Mikes wave example, albeit I don't think I did it well, ie; looks processed.
Next I added a reverse S curve which decreased the contrast of the entire image (In LR you can't apply curves to select portions) To do this I pulled the bottom portion of the curves line up (lightens the shadows and darks) and I pulled the top portion of the line down. (darkens the highlights and the light tones)
For others just learning the standard S curve used to increase contrast is created by pulling up the top of the line up (lightens the highlights and light tones) and pulling down the bottom of the line (darkens the darks and the shadows)
For factual information see
I played around in each colour channel to see if I could fine-tune the midtones, red, green and blue with the curves tool but honestly I didn't know what to do as I don't have enough experience or even a good feel for what the mid-tones should look like. Indeed my images were turning red, green and blue, and it is obvious that a gentle hand is needed when using the curves tool. Switching the image to B&W as suggested by Joe was helpful to see if my image looked normal in B&W but once I returned to the colour version I was lost.
I cropped many of the images to the square size as suggested, and the crop looks odd to me likely because it cropping in a square is new to me.
I re-sized the images to 1200 pixels for posting and applied an unsharp mask in Elements 9. I also denoised lightly because the fog seemed really noisy (perhaps due to my playing with the curves tool) and that might of been a mistake as I lost detail.
As suggested by Mike I selected just the swans in the Love Bird pose, and applied some local contrast enhancement. I also tried to use the curves tool to play with the mid-tones in my selection but the curves tool in Elements 9 does not allow one to work with separate colour channels, and it just has sliders for adjustments. I can see and understand the immense benefits of selective adjustments but my skills are not there yet. The hardest part for me (aside from figuring out what to do with the red,blue and green colour channels) was selecting around the swan with finesse. I can't seem to do it well, it takes me forever and I can still see my selection lines even though I do it while viewing at 100%. I expect that with practice and experience it becomes a lot easier to do it well.
I'm still learning to post process, and would say I'm add the beginner-plus level, so just use my example as an experiment to try. I'm sure someone will jump in to correct anything that I state that is incorrect or confusing.
1-1 must of played with the green tones
#2-2 (Same image as above) Any preference?
#4-4 Lots of negative space.. Does it work?
#5-5 Love Birds cropped square with selective LCE