I'll explain the type of tool that is so much more helpful than the tools in LR5 and Elements 9. This one happens to be a Levels tool and Curve tool combined into one tool, but that's not important. I'm referring only to the Curve tool now.
In both screenshots shown below, the horizontal axis indicates the luminosity values of zero to 255 from left to right. The vertical axis indicates the relative number of pixels in the image that have a particular luminosity from none at the bottom to the most at the top. The grey pattern displayed within the graph is the composite histogram of the photo before the curve is adjusted, so it displays each luminosity value (on the horizontal axis) and the relative number of pixels (on the vertical axis) that have a particular luminosity value.
In Screenshot 1, the diagonal line is the linear curve before the curve has been adjusted by the user. Notice the black dot near the center of that diagonal line. That is there because I had held the mouse pointer over a pixel in the image. That black dot graphically displays the luminosity value. More important, notice the Input and Output values, which are the same for now. (More about that below.) That value is the luminosity value of the pixel identified by the mouse pointer.
In Screenshot 2, I have applied a standard S-curve. Notice that the histogram has not changed; it still displays the original histogram before the S-curve has been applied. (To see the histogram of the image after the S-curve has been applied, I would simultaneously display the histogram panel in my software.)
Also in Screenshot 2, notice the two large black dots in the curve. Each of those dots are anchor points. They are called that because they are the two places in the curve that I used to drag the curve and because that very specific point is anchored in place and will not be moved regardless of what I do to other parts of the curve. I can place many, many anchor points in the curve to make whatever shape happens to make the best photograph.
Notice the two small black dots in Screenshot 2. As in Screenshot 1, my mouse pointer was hovering over a particular pixel in the image. Those small black dots indicate the luminosity value on the linear curve (the curve before I adjusted it) and on the S-curve. As in Screenshot 1, the luminosity value of that pixel is also displayed as Input and Output values. The Input value is the luminosity value of that pixel before the Curve has been adjusted. The Output value is the luminosity value that that pixel has been mapped to as a result of having adjusted the Curve.
Any Curve tool that lacks any of the above capabilities is lacking the very important attributes that give the user total control over the curve and information about the pixels in the image. Just my opinion.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
![A Couple of Love Birds](http://i39.tinypic.com/snyzuo.jpg)