Do you people actually check on the adopted doggies from time to time to make sure they are happy?
This one sure looks bound to have a happy ending.
Yes, we do check regularly during the first couple of months. That is when the problems might arise. Before we release a dog to an adoptive home, we do a home visit and also check references from vets and groomer; if applicable and just general references if the person has not owned a dog previously. We tend to put those applications from non-dog owners on the back burner. Often a person who has never owned a dog has unrealistic expectations...
Our questionnaire is pretty extensive and is designed to learn what kind of a home that the dog will be going to.
We also board the dogs whom we have fostered if their family goes out of town for some reason. We don't want our dogs going through the emotional trauma of being in a kennel and not knowing if their family will return. At least when they stay with us, it is in a familiar environment.
We have have rescue events at specified days at certain pet supply stores and often the families will bring their adopted dogs by to meet us and to let us see how well they are getting along...
We are also experienced enough that we feel we can detect adoption applicants who may not give our dogs good homes.
The nice thing about our organization is that we don't have to move dogs into adopted homes quickly like shelters do. All of our dogs are in foster homes and can stay with us indefinitely or until the "right" home comes along.
We also tell our adoptive families that the dog always has a place with us if they cannot, for some reason, care for it anymore.