This was not a kind post from me, so I removed it.
I also wish to ask Sharon to pardon me for posting.
This was not a kind post from me, so I removed it.
I also wish to ask Sharon to pardon me for posting.
Last edited by AB26; 25th October 2013 at 04:11 PM.
A rather accusatory post No 38 from you and perhaps one that would have warranted it being aimed more specifically at those that have caused you to raise these concerns.
Anyway, I have taken the time to read through this thread in entirety a couple of times to try to give me an understanding behind your comments but fail to see where such terms as envy, a level few will ever achieve, faceless individual, respect and prejudice have relevance to any of the comments posted to Ned by members.
The response to any thread is very much dependent upon the information given or the questions asked by the OP and all reply should be considered and during this consideration the 'expertise or level' or whatever you wish to call it of the poster will be at varying levels. Responses will also vary in amount of content often due to the time available to the poster.
We have a number of 'experimentation' threads here at CiC, in fact they are the ones that I personally find most useful and enjoy and one of the areas that assist these is when the OP clearly explains their reasoning behind what and why they are undertaking this at the start. In the case of this thread this was not clear, in my opinion which is perhaps supported by the initial responses where the 'method' was considered more significant than the images posted.
I will take one example of a post I made which sums things up for me. I made the comment that if 'I' had the opportunity to take that sunset I would concentrate on taking a variety of shots in preference to adjusting my WB. Note the word 'I' and now look at the further references to this comment. It is evident that my comment was not taken in the context it was meant but more importantly unsupported conclusions were jumped to. That comment was in fact made due to my personal experience with sunrises and sunsets at the locations I have available.
What we must all be careful of is that however much you may disagree, or do not understand another's input the answer is not to stoop to the level of personal attacks whatever the opinions of yourself are.
I'm actually enjoying a Johnnie Walker Red Label tonight but thanks for the offer. I see nothing to gain from discussing this matter further, I have made my point and stand by it. You can be assured that the part of my comment that you have selected and highlighted was not specific to your post as to date I have not seen you resort to that level in any post.
Personally I feel the 1st shot is hackneyed and done too much. Boring after a fashion. 2nd much better and more interesting offering a number of further processing options. Same with the 3rd.
I don't have much of a problem accepting that a camera white balance setting might well give a different image to later post processing either. There is no way of being sure what a camera will actually do with a particular scene when settings like that are changed.
Hi Ned,
I adore the beautiful colours of the clouds in the first image you posted, as well as the amazing detail and DOF in the clouds.
I would also like to say that I hope you get to know Grahame as I do, and that is as a person who goes out of his way, to help and advise others with their photography. If you check out my slow panning horse race posts where I was trying to learn to pan race horses at a super slow shutter speed, you will see a very kind gentleman who goes above and beyond, and then some to help others. It can also be seen with his posts with Brian who is striving to improve his images of insects.
PS I'm still trying to figure out the enigma of white balance....
It would be nice to be so simple. Unfortunately the camera has no way of knowing whether it is receiving direct, incident or reflected light. Add to that the fact that the software/firmware coder has to develop something that takes into account the broadest number of potential scenarios that appeal to the widest possible portion of the target audience... well IMO it's is amazing that things work as well as they do.
And the differences aren't only from one manufacturer to the next. Different camera bodies made by the same manufacturer interpret/reproduce light differently. It's maddening. Maybe not such an issue with more artistic type shots. But when one is trying to capture wildlife as "life-like as possible", shooting with different bodies can create a dilemma. There was a time when I had bot a D200 and 300 in my bag and they rendered colors dramatically different.
Communication is a tricky business, isn't it?.... All I wanted was a yes we like or no we don't like!...
For my part, I tend to visit the forums from multiple computers. So when the subject of lighting/color comes up, I refrain from providing critique unless I'm on the calibrated system that I use to do my editing. Composition or other aspects are a different issue, but lighting/color are greatly impacted by the display device so I try not to say much unless I'm confident in the machine I'm using to view. So, sorry I didn't provide the direct feedback you sought. And still won't as I send this from my traveling laptop...