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Thread: Bamboo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Honolulu, Hawaii
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    Below is a shot of bamboo that I am considering for use in a project that I am working on through a non-credit class at our local college.


    We are to create a portfolio of images on a theme and I chose "Natural Space" where the images are meant to explore the use of negative space and the 'spaces in between' without the distraction of color.

    I like the overall composition with the various angles and texture of the bamboo stems but wonder if it works overall?

    Specifically there is a halo around the stems that did not arise from post processing but appears to be due to the fact that the image is back lit (is this chromatic aberration?).

    I am also a bit torn on the overall background. Part of me likes it and thinks that it adds depth and the other part of me thinks it is a bit of a distraction.

    Any and all thoughts welcome.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Bamboo

    Nothing appears to be a halo to me. It seems like the natural lighting and is very appealing.

    I would have to see the color version to know for sure whether it is chromatic aberration. I doubt that it is because the detail that you mention is so sharp whereas all of my chromatic aberration has always been not at all sharp.

    I like the composition but agree that the background is a bit distracting. Notice that the darkest and brightest areas of the image are in the background, which I believe explains why the background is a distraction for me. You could probably improve the background by darkening the bright areas and lightening the dark areas in the color version before converting the photo to monochrome.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Honolulu, Hawaii
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    Re: Bamboo

    Thanks for taking the time to comment Mike I was really curious about the lighting along the sides of the stems so good to know that you think it looks natural. I was sick and couldn't get out to shoot over the weekend so was working through some sold images - this one was a definite 'maybe' leaning towards not including but sometimes I am overly critical of my own images so it is good to know that in this case I wasn't.

    I know exactly where that bamboo lives so a re-shoot is definitely possible.

    Thanks again,

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
    Real Name
    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Bamboo

    Hi Shane,

    Finding it hard to reconcile your title "Bamboo" with the images.

    Maybe it's because the bamboo varieties I saw in the Philippines look quite different.

    Concerning the technicalities, I'm sure the master technicians here are very capable in giving appropriate comments.

    Thanks for the image.

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