Different from your other images but, every bit a lovely. I could see either image as a large stretched canvas decorating an office entrance...
Thank you Richard.
I had planned to do all 4 seasons with this tree but Summer is proving difficult.
Quite the most beautiful image I've seen in ages.
Sharon, you are an artist... truly unique.
Thank you Robin and Joe...much appreciated.
Michelangelo has some stiff competition... Beautiful...
Chrisina..I love you to bits!
Sharon, your photography keeps amazing me.
I like the warmth of "Autumn" but I absolutely love the subtlety of "Winter." Well done all around!
You could sell the 2nd to Hallmark for their Christmas cards.
Sharon - as ever, beautiful and evocative images. Can I ask how you create the blur - is it post processing or panning in camera ?
I really look forward to seeing the tow to match the set.
Hi Sharon. You nailed the winter scene perfectly. Just looking at it has got me making hot chocolate.
[QUOTE=kaye leggett;350110. Can I ask how you create the blur - is it post processing or panning in camera ? [/QUOTE]
Hi Kaye,
The blur is 'in camera'..intentional camera movement.
Thanks Greg, Mike and Bruce!
Karm..fight it off and buy big socks!
Amazing images. They look like paintings. Perfect.
You camera is your brush. Love them!
Yeah, those are pretty well awesome.
Sharon, My sense of anticipation is heightened when I see Daisy Mae has posted a new image. I have never been disappointed.
These are stunning images. Congrats on your wonderful work.
Gosh, they said it all...........