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Thread: NIK Analog Efex Pro

  1. #21

    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn NK View Post
    After reading Carl's post in his thread, I'm going to leave LR running so it won't update to the new plug-in.

    Furthermore, I really don't want or need an "old look" on my images - not what I'm after.

    Glenn I did blunder around until I got lucky. Now it's a pretty straight forward fix if you have the original Google/Nik Collection download still on your computer. Once the upgrade is on your computer try to see if it works, if not then just install the original over the new. My computer did warn me that I had a newer version already installed, but I just pressed ahead. That's all it took just wish I had thought of it at the beginning. I would have more hair left on my head. LOL
    If you don't want it and it still makes it's way onto your computer, all is not lost, just delete the new upgrade and reinstall the original and all will be well. I learned that the hard way too.

  2. #22
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    If you don't want it and it still makes it's way onto your computer, all is not lost, just delete the new upgrade and reinstall the original and all will be well. I learned that the hard way too.
    If it were only so simple. Google is stubborn and the updater (which runs in the background unless you disable it) will nicely re-install the latest version for you and you will have to go through the whole cycle over again.

    I sent Google a note complaining about it but I suspect that unless they get a lot of complaints, their current upgrade policy will just keep on pushing forward. If you don't want the upgrades, you'll have to disable their auto installer.

  3. #23

    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    If it were only so simple. Google is stubborn and the updater (which runs in the background unless you disable it) will nicely re-install the latest version for you and you will have to go through the whole cycle over again.

    I sent Google a note complaining about it but I suspect that unless they get a lot of complaints, their current upgrade policy will just keep on pushing forward. If you don't want the upgrades, you'll have to disable their auto installer.
    I didn't think of that Manfred, Thanks. Will be good for those who don't want it. But I am sure once they find out something is wrong they will be quick to fix it.
    It's still a simple fix right now just install the original over the new and it works, if your having problems with it to start with.

  4. #24

    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    You can disable Google update by disabling the two Google services using MSconfig (just type msconfig in the search box).

    However, that means it won't update Nik. To update manually, use the link in the email from Google when you bought Nik and it will download the latest version (that's what I did). Or go to their web site ( and download the trial version. I'm told that if you download and run the trial version, if you've already got it installed, it will install the new version with your licence - but I've not tried that! Not sure what you do if you bought it pre-Google.

  5. #25
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    For a software company, supporting multiple versions across multiple platforms is a huge drain on resources. So it makes sense to force upgrades. As usual, follow the money

  6. #26
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: NIK Analog Efex Pro

    Just checked to be sure that Update doesn't install anything unless I OK it.

    They can keep NIK Analog Efex Pro - that way more of you guys can have it.

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