C&C always appreciated...
The Rainbow Warrior one foggy morning...
SS 160 F9 ISO 200
I tried to capture sufficient DOF with the wharf leading ones eye to the wall of fog over the ocean. Accentuated by the ocean waters. I adore the lighting and the sense of mystery fog creates. I think I capture the boat sharply. Mostly I like the wall of fog and the light in the sky.
I missed the boat in the background, only too obvious to me now.
City view (too much foreground?)
SS 60 F20 ISO 320 Exp Bias - 1.33
I darkened the sky and lightened the foreground, in LR dodging and burning. Two versions of Post Processing
In these two images I was trying to capture the beauty of the fall foilage in the suburbs of the city and the beautiful view of the mountains in the background, and to manage enough DOF to get most everything in sharp focus. In hindsight I think the row of highrises detracts from the scene and/or just doesn't fit with the soft colours of the fall foilage. And image loses its sharpness after the row of highrises but I'm not sure why this is as I focused on the horizon of the mountains.
Plus the top half of the image seems to lack the rich colours of the foreground and pales in comparison.
In my second version where I lightened the foreground the image seems to match better, but looks washed out.
Version 1
Version 2
City View Fall Colours
Photographed with my 105 mm macro lens... I cropped the top part of the image (a line of highrises)... the trees are clipped in the bottom but I couldn't change my positioning, ie; on a hillside.
In this image I was trying to capture the quaint beauty of the houses surrounded by the colourful fall trees. I like the rich colours and that the houses seem to be in sharp focus. I cropped the highrises off of the top of the image which likely means that something about the highrises didn't fit the image I had in my mind.
SS 1/100 F16 ISO 320 Exp Comp -1.33
Just seeking general feedback on landscapes for their composition, DOF and sharpness and my post processing. Thank you.