Here are some waterfall shots from this morning taken in Lynn Canyon, a very beautiful area.
I don't think I will be returning for a while unless we receive a long dry stretch because the trails were muddy, wet and a bit treacherous. I had hoped to get down to the base of the falls but I never managed. I was already in an out of bounds area and it was too slippery and steep (for my camera, not me

I managed the silky water effect. Thank you to all for your help with this. However I suspect that my images either have motion blur in them or are a little soft... I found using a tripod awkward for obtaining the composition I wanted (ie; positioning myself and the tripod) and I also found the super slow shutter speed associated with the slow shutter speed excruciatingly slow. I messed up many shots by moving the camera thinking the shot was finally over, only to find that the shutter button clicked after the fact. Lesson learned for next time and I will likely look for a waterfall that is easier to access.
I tried to auto bracket manually but the dynamic range of the forest was too, much, ie; black trees, overexposed water, all the shots were clipped. I also tried auto bracketing inside my camera but while going through my images I don't know which ones are which, so too confusing and I will try this another day... I was yearning for filters today.
Processed in LR, burning the water and lightening the foliage, and on a couple of these I added a levels layer to try and improve upon the effect.
All aperture priority... The ones with an ISO of 100 were taken with a tripod... The others were hand held. Auto ISO set to a max of 800 starting with a minimum SS of 1 second.
No bears or wildlife in sight... (: Next week I will try something else, and I will try the waterfall again once the trails are in better shape.
Thank you to all.