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Thread: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

  1. #1
    flechtight's Avatar
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    Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Another Conversion in Nik Efex2 using Selenium Toner, thinking it fits the nautical theme better than Sepia or Neutral B&W. This was a very colorful sunset, but wanted to see if the composition could stand on its own without the intense colors. CC as always

    I notice that even though I overlaped the frames in this 5 frame pano and applied Lens correction the corners of the main Lighthouse building tilt inward. How can I correct for this? In CS5.

    Also, do you feel the signs on the seawall detract from the scene?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Lens correction is not going to take care of perspective issues in the original image; use the Transform / skew to correct this slanting walls.

    Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

  3. #3

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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Very nice conversion, great tones in the sky, seawall no problem, how to correct in CS5 Edit>transform>warp is what I would use. Now as to the shooting pattern you used 5 shots, I may have made it six shots with shots 3&4 placing the lighthouse in the centre of the pan knowing that I would crop off the left side also with a little more over lap as this is the most important item in the image. I do not know what lens you used but I will assume a wide angle, one of the problems with using a wide angle is any tilt of the lens downwards or upwards will cause tilt. If you camera has live view you often have a level that you can view, if not then buy a small bubble level that attaches to the hot shoe. I sometimes use a smartphone app called I believe Clinometer it is a carpenter's app, I would just set flat on the hot shoe and adjust to put the bubble in the centre.



  4. #4
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Thanks for sharing this shot Jon. I like it a lot - good composition, good conversion. Must have a look at that Selenium Toner. The ship adds a nice touch to the image too.

    Last edited by dje; 4th November 2013 at 08:50 PM.

  5. #5
    flechtight's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    I applied a skew as Manfred suggested to straighten up the sides of the main Lighthouse, needed to mask off the right side as the skew messed with the Ferry boat, but that was easy enough. Then applied a crop to left. Does CS6 do this any better?

    Allen This was shot at 28mm, using a leveled Pano head. There was a slight more to the left in the pic (very Slight) as I was backed up on the Lighthouse keepers porch and the more left the pan the house was right there. I am now wondering if I can get this pano again ( off the porch) with the other housing quarters that are to the left of the Lighthouse along with the flag pole, hmmmmm, next year as the sunsets are now far to the left in the picture out of view.

    Dave, I never thought about the Selenium toner till I watched a Nik tutorial from Jennifer Wu recently, which is partly why I did this particular photo

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Quote Originally Posted by flechtight View Post
    Then applied a crop to left. Does CS6 do this any better?
    Not really; this functionality hasn't changed in years and CS5, CS6 and CC all handle it the same.

    If you want to try a more advanced tool; head over to DxO labs and look at their ViewPoint plugin.

  7. #7
    flechtight's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset Mukilteo Lighthouse / Selenium toned

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Not really; this functionality hasn't changed in years and CS5, CS6 and CC all handle it the same.

    If you want to try a more advanced tool; head over to DxO labs and look at their ViewPoint plugin.

    Thanks, that looks like what the new feature in CS6 does and would be a nice plug-in for my Aperture and CS5. I will try it for 30 days.

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