Looked out the window to see a rabbit on the grass. Found the camera and took a few photographs through the glass I knew it would disappear if I opened the window. After the rabbit ran off I was checking the photographs and bit disappointed when I realised the camera was on the settings I use for work (JPEG and M size.) O.K. for the web even though it has been cropped a fair bit more.
1/100 f8 ISO 500 hand held 300mm with VR ON and it seemed to do its job.
I had just set the camera back to my preferred settings of RAW at full size when I glanced out the window again to see a rather nice sky so I shot off another couple of shots. To often I see a nice sky and do not get the camera out but as I was already standing there holding it I had give it a go even if it took another 15 minutes to golden up properly.
C and C welcome