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Thread: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

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    serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

  2. #2
    teokf's Avatar
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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    I believe that is a question only you could answer. Look at the specs of your lens. Is it a 1:1 ratio lens?

  3. #3

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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by teokf View Post
    I believe that is a question only you could answer. Look at the specs of your lens. Is it a 1:1 ratio lens?
    it is a zoom lens with a super macro setting that allows for a 2 cm distance and good close-ups. but nowhere does it state it is a 1:1 ratio lens.

  4. #4
    teokf's Avatar
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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    another way is Google it 8)

    if you are wanting a greater magnification, you could add on a Raynox 250 glass on your lens or extension tubes. When I do that on the Tamron 90mm, I could almost get 3:1

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    it is a zoom lens with a super macro setting that allows for a 2 cm distance and good close-ups. but nowhere does it state it is a 1:1 ratio lens.

  5. #5

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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    Since JBW has a bridge camera the extension tube option is out but the Raynox would enable him to use the zoom to achieve that he is showing us from further away but with only a 576mm angle of view lens at full zoom probably the only way to achieve 'true macro' is by cropping. Cropping may be suitable for web images but not larger prints. Your photo above is much better than true macro when I view it on my monitor.

    Nice photo JBW ... from nearly above means most is in focus, enough to be pleasing, its left legs are soft because you were shooting from the near side but I would suggest acceptable as a 'right on top' photo might be a little dull .... I think mine are anyway

    The maths that I CAN cope with is that you already have a 2cm focus or effectively 1000/20= 50 dioptre lens adding a four dioptre lens will take focus in to 1000/54=1.851cm... obviously the difference in magnfication is so small not worth considering.
    That is what the Raynox would do for you BUT it would enable you to achieve a tighter framing by using the zoom and contrary to what I wrote earlier the combination of zoom+Raynox+lens's own focusing power you might get 1:1 ... that is a 6.17mm subject filling the sensor. But that is getting too too complicated maths for me

    [I see from tonights check at dpreview that I have been confusing your camera with the 4500 which has the 720 AoV lens ]

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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    [I see from tonights check at dpreview that I have been confusing your camera with the 4500 which has the 720 AoV lens ][/QUOTE]

    no problem i am constantly confused.

  7. #7
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    Looks sharp and close. How big are these insects?

  8. #8

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    Re: serious question: am I getting close to the macro limits of my camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Letrow View Post
    Looks sharp and close. How big are these insects?
    the body is about 5mm long

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