Tanku all for ur time and reply.
I dint like the first processing done by richard ..i feel i should always have a normal sky whether if its blown out or not and the processing appears too vignette and colours look saturated there... But tanku richard for the reply. I think as u , manfred said i should have taken the photograph front on with the balloon seller facing me .
I liked rob's version ther except for the vignetting part . I loved the way u did increase exposure , clarity and contrast on the baloons there. May be i should also try doing what jcuknz did ( sorry , i dont know ur real name . couldnt find that from the profile ) .
Tanku dave . i"ll look into that.
Wondering whether the people in the background seems to be a distraction in the pic . Especially the pink and white dressed guy on the left and right ? May be i should have taken in such a way as jcuknz had mentioned.
Below are two similiar images i took tat day. They havent been processed , ur views on the same? ( not on the processing , but on the composition )
I will try what u had mentioned in these posts in processing these pics.