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Thread: Need Critique : Baloon seller

  1. #1

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    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Hi ,

    I do like to know about ur views on how this image stands in composition and framing , background etc.. . I do like to know how this shot can be made better .

    This was shot at a carnival in kerala , india .

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    exif :

    Camera : Canon EOS 550D
    Focal Length : 25mm
    Shutter Speed : 1/125 secs
    Aperture : f/5.6
    ISO/Film : 400

    Ur suggestions are deeply appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by praphul; 7th November 2013 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    This must have been a wonderful place to shoot! Of course, what seems very unusual and picturesque may be usual for you.

    As far as improving the image... I generally like my subjects to be facing me unless thare is a specific reason for them to be facing away.

    However as far as post processing:

    1. I globally decreased the brightness and increased the contrast
    2. I selected the sky and reduced the brightness and added some blue
    4. I selected the balloons and increased the saturation to draw more attention to the balloons
    5. I added a slight vignette again to focus attention on the balloons and seller
    6. I added a very narrow black and a wide white border just because I like borders...
    This is the result...
    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    As with all post processing, the results are up to the processor. I don't say that this is better than the original image but, simply the way I would have done it. I am sure that others have equally as good or better ways to show off the image,,,

  3. #3

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    What you think of this?

    Reduce Exposure (Selectively)
    Increase exposure, clarity and contrast on balloons.
    Add small vignette

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    - Rob

  4. #4

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    A crop of some form was my first thought; although darkening the sky, similar to Richard's version, is another viable option.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Hi Praphul - in my view, the main problem with the shot is that you have taken a picture of the balloon seller's back. I think the shot would have been far more effective had you shown him from the front, with this face and head visible and framed by those lovely, colourful balloons.

    Unfortunately, that is not something that can be fixed in post and it does remind me of my own work where I all too often get the back side, rather than the front view of the subject.

  6. #6

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    I think both adjustments ruin the image, making it 'dirty', and the real answer would have been to watch your exposure and expose for the sky and lifted the balloon-man in editing, or captured him a moment earlier when he was against the tree foliage'
    That I have PSPX6 to work with and its new selection tool made it quite easy gives me one way of getting rid of the burnt out sky which upsets the whole image. Basically I copied the left hand foliage, flipped it horizontally and then reverting to the main layer selected out the balloons and used that as a mask to delete that part of the foliage which was covering the balloons.
    Something which I have never done before so thankyou for prompting me.
    Need Critique : Baloon seller
    I also softened the foliage and buildings to try and bring attention back to balloon-man.
    Last edited by jcuknz; 7th November 2013 at 10:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Hi Praphul,

    The most obvious thing I first saw was that it needs anti-clockwise rotation to make it level, no-one seems to have mentioned it, although Rob did have a go at it, but may have slightly overdone it in his version.

    I don't think the red "balloon on a stick" he is holding down beside his right leg helps either - if mine, I would clone out that, all the sticks and some litter.

    Hope that helps,

  8. #8

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Tanku all for ur time and reply.

    I dint like the first processing done by richard ..i feel i should always have a normal sky whether if its blown out or not and the processing appears too vignette and colours look saturated there... But tanku richard for the reply. I think as u , manfred said i should have taken the photograph front on with the balloon seller facing me .

    I liked rob's version ther except for the vignetting part . I loved the way u did increase exposure , clarity and contrast on the baloons there. May be i should also try doing what jcuknz did ( sorry , i dont know ur real name . couldnt find that from the profile ) .

    Tanku dave . i"ll look into that.

    Wondering whether the people in the background seems to be a distraction in the pic . Especially the pink and white dressed guy on the left and right ? May be i should have taken in such a way as jcuknz had mentioned.

    Below are two similiar images i took tat day. They havent been processed , ur views on the same? ( not on the processing , but on the composition )
    I will try what u had mentioned in these posts in processing these pics.

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

  9. #9

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller


    I will disagree with the other comments and say that the gentleman's face being visible is not relevant to the story for me.

    If you had have shot in landscape format you may have captured more of the people around him which would tell more of the story..

    On your last image, I again think that going landscape and a touch tighter would make for a great shot, I love the look on the boys face.

    Last edited by Rob Ekins; 8th November 2013 at 12:52 PM. Reason: Fat fingers..

  10. #10
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Quote Originally Posted by praphul View Post
    Tanku all for ur time and reply.

    I dint like the first processing done by richard ..i feel i should always have a normal sky whether if its blown out or not and the processing appears too vignette and colours look saturated there... But tanku richard for the reply. I think as u , manfred said i should have taken the photograph front on with the balloon seller facing me .

    I liked rob's version ther except for the vignetting part . I loved the way u did increase exposure , clarity and contrast on the baloons there. May be i should also try doing what jcuknz did ( sorry , i dont know ur real name . couldnt find that from the profile ) .

    Tanku dave . i"ll look into that.

    Wondering whether the people in the background seems to be a distraction in the pic . Especially the pink and white dressed guy on the left and right ? May be i should have taken in such a way as jcuknz had mentioned.

    Below are two similiar images i took tat day. They havent been processed , ur views on the same? ( not on the processing , but on the composition )
    I will try what u had mentioned in these posts in processing these pics.

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Need Critique : Baloon seller
    I think both of these would benefit from cropping. The little boy could be made the main subject of the 2nd one. Looks to me like it could be cropped along the wall line at the top. If too tight the wall could be cloned a bit higher before cropping.

    Same with the 1st one but the cropping is much easier - just for all balloons and the lady. Hope you don't mind I had a play and also used some new Fotoxx toys. Still not sure if it works but good to practice as colour wise it's very busy.

    Need Critique : Baloon seller

    The shot makes me envy what some photographers can do. When I look at the shot for things I feel would be best avoided I notice the striped shirt in the background by the ladies shoulder. Another angle would avoid it but would I notice when I took the shot? Probably not.


  11. #11

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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Tanku john and robbie for ur input and time. I"ll certainly keep up these points in mind next time i shoot. tanks a lot .

  12. #12
    speedneeder's Avatar
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    Re: Need Critique : Baloon seller

    Praphul, are you super tall?
    In these photos the first thing I notice is that you are shooting down on everything. I recommend trying some photos from a lower perspective, as this can have a huge impact on how an image is seen in 2D.
    I love all the colors, thanks for sharing.

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