I do not have many chance to take picture on the highway since normally, I am the driver. Two weeks ago, when I tried to take these sunset pictures while my brother was driving, I have no experience how to set the camera. We were rushing home and did not stop the car. There was not much time to think. I tried higher ISO and larger aperture to get relatively faster speed. The focus is on infinity to get the clear cloud. I do like the composition and the tone of a few images. Since the speed is still too slow, the foreground of the picture come out blurry. Should I keep them or delete them? Does anybody has a experience of taking picture in a 70 mile/hr car? Stop is not a option here.
#1 Exp: 1/40 at f 4.8, Focal Length 62mm, ISO 800. Nikon D600, Lens: 28.0-300mm f/3.5-5.6
#2 Exp: 1/20 at f 5.3, Focal Length 98mm, ISO 1600. Nikon D600, Lens: 28.0-300mm f/3.5-5.6