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Thread: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    I am going absolutely bonkers with the cell phone images of rescue dogs sent to me by our volunteers and by the families who have adopted our dogs. This may just be an operator problem on my part but it is really slowing down my operations...

    Here is one of my problems:

    I open an email with an image sent directly from a cell phone and this is what I get...

    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    I have always right clicked on the image which opens the following menu. I could not clip the menu with snip-it so I will transcribe it:

    Save image as
    Copy image URL
    Copy image
    Open image in new tab
    Inspect element

    As always, I select "Save image as" which leads me to saving this image as a JPEG: Cocoa on Beach in my libraries> pictures > Holly

    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    However when I go to libraries> pictures> Holly in bridge: Cocoa on Beach doesn't want to open.

    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Double clicking on the thumbnail, I get this menu:

    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    I choose Photoshop CS6 and I get this message:

    Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    What have I done wrong?

    I also have a problem when emails with images from cell phones are forwarded to me from my wife who is the original recipient of the email. These are sent as attachments. She opens these images and they open at about 6 inches wide. I open the images from the forwarded email and the image opens at 1.75 inches wide. A fraction of the size that the original email image opens as.

    Again, what am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix this?

  2. #2

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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Hi Richard: It looks like the filename for the photo you are trying to open is not correct.

    It shows as Coco at beacj
    It should probably be renamed to Coco at beach.jpg

    Hope that helps


  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    This didn't help. It has been a BAD MORNING for me... Besides the problems with the cell phone images, one of my rescue dogs chewed up my reading glasses which I left on the coffee table and my computer has been invaded with a Malware: VisualBee which I cannot remove using all the normal removal techniques.

    I am going to quit and go to a Veteran's Day Celebration.

  4. #4
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Not been near windows for a long time but I have had problems with .jpeg extensions rather than .jpg. All that seems to matter is the extension not the type of file.

    On the email sounds like the software is being clever. There may be an option in the settings to stop that or a facility to forward as an attachment rather than in line. I assume you are using in line. If sent as an attachment your package should open it as a nornal email when you click on it and show it completely as received. That's the reason for having it eg sending spoofs to as all of the email retains intact.


  5. #5
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    This didn't help. It has been a BAD MORNING for me... Besides the problems with the cell phone images, one of my rescue dogs chewed up my reading glasses which I left on the coffee table and my computer has been invaded with a Malware: VisualBee which I cannot remove using all the normal removal techniques.

    I am going to quit and go to a Veteran's Day Celebration.
    This might help remove visualbee as it's very recent. There are many other guides on the web. Trouble is they may find ways round them as people find out how to remove it.

    Some excellent advice on that page about free software. It's a fact that free software with the exception of Open Source will often give you something you don't want or don't know you have and you will accept it when agreeing to the terms and conditions. i remember an extension getting into windows this way to handle .law and all sorts of other funny dot this and that's. When people developed a method of removing it they actually sued them as people had agreed to accept it.

    Chances are that each time you run the free application that caused the problem it will simply do it again. It might even hook into something else not even related to make sure it's re installed if your remove it. Problems like this are usually solved by the anti virus people. They used to have pages with specific little programs to take care of new or rather difficult virus's but I can't find any links.

    AVG is one free program you can install without any risk - other than encouragement to buy it.


  6. #6
    Jims's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    I would also try "copy image", always worked for me.

    Also with the malware, if you do on line banking it's worth checking their web site out.
    I haven't paid for premium "mainstream" AV software for years it's always been give FOC. You generally get a full deal for up to 3 devices free for 12 months renewable. They just don't advertise it like they used to so check out the security tab if you can.

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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Richard, sorry to read that "my computer has been invaded with a Malware: VisualBee which I cannot remove using all the normal removal techniques."

    One which is worth trying for this sort of thing is Malwarebytes - it's rather good at catching stuff that most AV can't. Here's their site;



  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Try opening the photo directly from Adobe rather than through Windows Explorer or My Computer.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    I think that I have removed VisualBee from my Google Chrome but it was a struggle. Now I have a Conduit toolbar installed on my Mozilla Firefox. BTW: I have installed on my computer and it doesn't do anything. I even did a full scan with no results.

    I found out how to remove the VisualBee from Google Chrome and restore my default search engine to Google. I hope it stays removed and that Google remains my search engine.

    However, although I have done a google search on removing Conduit Toolbar but this was to no avail. One way it said to locate Conduit Toolbar under my list of currently installed programs and uninstall it. The darn Conduit is not listed as a currently installed program.

    I am surprised that GOOGLE has not found a way to allow people to keep Google as search engine and default home page. It wold be to their benefit to allow us to do so.

    Additionally there should be a law against a program hijacking a computer. Hell, we have laws about everything in the USA. Even a law that says in a public restroom that serves both sexes, the toilet seat MUST be of the split type.

  10. #10
    victor's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...


    I find Spybot a useful utility for the removal of spy ware/malware. It can be downloaded from here

    Used it for years now.



  11. #11
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I think that I have removed VisualBee from my Google Chrome but it was a struggle. Now I have a Conduit toolbar installed on my Mozilla Firefox. BTW: I have installed on my computer and it doesn't do anything. I even did a full scan with no results.

    I found out how to remove the VisualBee from Google Chrome and restore my default search engine to Google. I hope it stays removed and that Google remains my search engine.

    However, although I have done a google search on removing Conduit Toolbar but this was to no avail. One way it said to locate Conduit Toolbar under my list of currently installed programs and uninstall it. The darn Conduit is not listed as a currently installed program.

    I am surprised that GOOGLE has not found a way to allow people to keep Google as search engine and default home page. It wold be to their benefit to allow us to do so.

    Additionally there should be a law against a program hijacking a computer. Hell, we have laws about everything in the USA. Even a law that says in a public restroom that serves both sexes, the toilet seat MUST be of the split type.
    You could try uninstalling Chrome / Firefox and then re installing them. One other option I have used is to create a new user account and delete the old one. Fine if there are no files to keep but those need copying across if there are.

    There is a google toolbar but when you install it the one you don't want will probably remain. It's here

    Don't know about malwarebytes but AVG has been around for a very long time and does it's job well. There are 2 versions. One pay for and the other free. I have always been happy with the free one. I stopped using windows some time ago at home but insist my wife and son install AVG and put it on other windows laptops we have around. Haven't had any problems at all for at least 15 years other than my wife agreeing to have her machine tampered with. That was to obtain free clip art - bit silly really as there is plenty about that don't involve agreeing anything.

    This page will tell you how to get rid of Conduit and also how you probably obtained it - free software again. Things like this don't generally get installed unless the user OK's it and the the other things it installs will be buried in the terms and conditions probably in a way that it's hard to spot or understand.

    Conduit also have a page on uninstalling it, not that I would trust that but it might work. On the other hand it might leave their tracking untouched. THat is what search engines do - track where people go.

    Most things can be removed by searching remove what ever it is with google. AVG do have a page that has small programs to remove certain virus, signs of one that does it properly. It can be obtained here

    The things it lacks compared with the pay for one don't bother me as long as the machine is clean when it's installed. One way of helping with that is to use this site but it's best to install anti virus software as soon as a machine is bought or had the operating system installed.

    That one has been around for a long time too and if some one has strange things happening people who produce anti virus software are likely to direct you to it in case there software has been tampered with.

    Only problem with all of this is the one I mentioned in the other post - when a user agrees to the install they can be on dodgy ground removing it. The fact that a user may have to spend 2 or 3 weeks studying the terms and conditions to find out that what ever it was is installed doesn't matter.

    Some virus software sales people talk about root kits. These get into machines as soon as they start up and can take complete control of it. Some are very clever. I found one at work some years ago that made the system think the hard drive was a little smaller than it was and tucked itself away in the space it made. At the time this meant that no ordinary PC software could remove it. Often the best protection against this sort of thing is in the machines bios that can be entered when the machine is booted up. It will be called protect boot block or simply virus protection or something like that. Best enable it. if it's there. Complete re installs of everything including the operating system can have problems dealing with problems like these.

    I've been around IBM Pc's from something like a few months after they came out. Many problems are self inflicted. For instance microsoft publish flaws and people don't update often enough. Auto update can be irritating but is safest especially if the machine is often on. Firewalls partly work away to hide machines from probes but when some one downloads or even visits a site some server some where knows that there is a machine there. Ideal behaviour for basically dishonest people and if there are any holes in a machine they will find them.

    too long to check for typo's


  12. #12

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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...


    Visual Bee & Conduit seem to turn up together, usually in software downloads from places like Cnet, where they're packaged in with the stuff you actually want. It's important to use the "custom" rather than express option, and unchecking this sort of thing.

    You can find your Firefox addons by predding Shft Ctrl A. Take a look at extensions, and also plugins, and disable any you don't like the look of.

    Finally, there's adw cleaner designed for just this:

  13. #13
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Going Crazy with Cell Phone Images...

    Cell phones and Google Docs both seem guilty of occasionally using subtly proprietary image formats. I'm a Windows/Android user, so your mileage may vary here, but your workflow makes me wonder if the image downloaded as an HTML. That might be the reason you can't open it as a JPEG. If you use GMail, you should be able to right-click on the embedded image and download it directly from the message. That's a relatively new feature that I quite like.

    On the antivirus front, I use ClamWin. It's run by an open-source team of white hats. Frequent updates, and I've never caught anything while running it. Is that thanks to ClamWin, or careful browsing habits? Not sure.

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