Nah - it is a nice shot Bobo - although, for me, I'd crop 10% off the lower edge and 5% off the left edge, not for the "rule of thirds", etc., just because they don't seem to contribute much and perhaps place the lovely rays too near the top of frame.Took this one a while back and promptly forgot about it.
Posting it to see if forgetting about it was the right thing to do.
I think I mighta just contradicted myself there
I don't know how it was HDR'd, but if tackling this manually, I would see if a bit more brightness and contrast could be teased out of the underside of the main cloud to give it more structure - I think it may need to be a localised adjustment though, doing that to the rest of the image would ruin it.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 13th November 2013 at 07:05 PM.
How could you forget a shot like that !
Love it.
Any other comments before I commit to version 2?
When I first saw Dave's suggestion, I immediately decided that I wouldn't like the results. When I saw the results, I immediately decided that his suggestion is perfect. For whatever reason, the rays of light extending upward become much more present and dynamic thanks to the revised crop.
By the way, you're forgiven for having forgotten about this photo so long as you promise to stay away from the Delete key.
Thanks Mike - v2 it is.
Delete key paralysed.
Hi Bobo,
I'm not an HDR person but the light and clouds you captured sure are beautiful and I prefer the 2nd image... Adore the BIF, truly exquisite...
That cloud reminds me of one of those paintings about the biblical destruction of sinners on earth.
Yes, version 2 has it! I think all of the smart folks here are starting to rub off on me. I was thinking the same thing that Dave stated before I read his comments. Either that or the old saying is true..."Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while."
Thanks Christina. It is a 3 shot because there was no way to squeeze that dynamic range into 1 shot. The 3 were then merged in PS and a couple of curves applied.
Thanks Greg, Jon.