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Thread: Voodoo Sunset

  1. #1
    gcowan's Avatar
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    Voodoo Sunset

    During the recent fires here I borrowed a 4x5 view camera and photogrphed the sunset through the bush fire smoke and ash.

    These are shots of a surfing spot called Voodoo Rocks by surfers. It is on a point called Potter Point. Voodoo is a more evocative name by far. The sun was setting over the Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands from this view point, directly through the smoke from the fires.

    The film is Fuji Provia 100. The camera was a Toyo 4x5 field camera with a Schneider 210mm lens, f32 1/2 sec exposure. The slides were scanned with a Hasselblad X5 scanner, for a 300MP file. A 700x550 pixel file does not really do the slides justice.

    Voodoo Sunset on Rocks

    Voodoo Sunset

    Voodoo Sunset

    Voodoo Sunset


  2. #2
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Voodoo Sunset

    Just lovely, Graham. Now I sorta miss my Zone Six. But I needed less turnaround time and expense to learn at a reasonable rate and cost, from my results, how I could get better.

  3. #3
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Voodoo Sunset

    Very nice shots Graham, thanks for sharing.


  4. #4
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Voodoo Sunset

    Two beautiful captures Graham,well done!

  5. #5
    gcowan's Avatar
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    Re: Voodoo Sunset

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    Just lovely, Graham. Now I sorta miss my Zone Six. But I needed less turnaround time and expense to learn at a reasonable rate and cost, from my results, how I could get better.
    Thanks Marks and David,

    I understand your problem. I have ruined nearly as many sheets of film as I have made images. These cameras have more ways to mess up a shot than I could have imagined. Every step in the process has at least one way to mess it up so you get no useable result, and then the variability of lens position in 3 dimensions, the back in 4 dimensions, and I wear multifocal glasses so that focussing on the ground glass is problematic; but when it all comes right there is nothing like a 4x5 inch slide or a contact print. I have borrowed the camera from my college but the cost of film is challenging. Monochrome negative film is probably the cheapest learning medium.


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